
Posts Tagged ‘Shoes’

Will you get in trouble with selling your 30% online footlocker code on ebay?

January 15th, 2013 3 comments

Would this be used online (at or in an actual retail store..? According to the official footlocker website..they mention "NO CODES NECESSARY for discounts".

Here are the Pro’s and Con’s:

If the 30% online Footlocker code was specific to your account (and your name/address/phone number, etc.), it’s possible that the person may be prevented from actually using it, because they may be asked/prompted to show identification, or offer up whatever your password/code is for your account-kind of thing. (iow; the buyer may require LOTS of your personal info to use the code..which is extremely risky).

Not only may he/she be declined from using it (without having all of your personal info handy) ..they may ask where he obtained the code, contact you (or close your account).. or do whatever loss prevention does in cases like this.

It IS considered ‘fraud’, btw. There’s no question about that fact. Legally, it is AS fraudulent and considered theft..just as if you (or the guy who’s buying the code) were to walk into a Footlocker and pick up a pair of running socks or shoes..and walk out without paying for them is considered stealing

Using a code that wasn’t offered/supplied to the buyer
= he’s stealing from Footlocker.

He may have PAID for the code..but all that means is that YOU benefited from Footlocker being ripped off. Footlocker would come after YOU.

The person could and would be arrested for stealing even a pair of socks from Footlocker (if caught in a store). Trying to fraudulently obtain 30% off by using someone else’s code (online or in a store)
= stealing
= theft
and the person could be arrested for attempting this.

What would YOU say if you were he..?! You can bet your bottom dollar that the first words out of his mouth would be "..But I BOUGHT this from blahblahblah..and his email address is blahblahblah and his screen name is":.. (see where I’m going with this?)

It seems (fairly) unlikely that the buyer would be arrested, because all he would have to say is he ‘found’ it..or just play dumb. But one never knows how large corporately run chain stores/online sales handle their loss prevention issues.

If a pair of running shoes retails for $240..and with that code, those shoes end up costing close to $80 LESS
Footlocker would take notice of that. If a few thousand people did this..that translates into Footlocker corporate office taking measures to make sure people are NOT handing over their discount codes (or selling them)..right..?!

Plus, it would suck if you sold the discount code to this person and they were declined the discount
= he would be p*ssed and harass you for a refund.

Plus Plus, what if HE, in turn, sells the code off to several different people and they get caught for fraudulently purchasing shoes at a substantial savings..? That means the code is traced back to YOU = YOU are in trouble for being a part of these criminal activities.


Call Footlocker and ask them if the code(s) are transferable:

Official Footlocker website:

(212) 720-3700
Customer Service/
Product Support

What are some good alternatives to Ebay?

November 12th, 2012 14 comments

I have some vintage, punk and alternative styles of clothing and shoes to sell. None of it is handmade so Etsy is not an option. I have had it with Ebay and their fee hikes and screwy policies and would like to know of some other viable online options for selling platforms.
If I wanted to simply get rid of things, I could put them outside and let the neighbors have at it, but I’m trying to raise a little cash here. I am interested in online options only, thanks.

I had some luck selling a few newer items on a regional newsgroup on Vampirefreaks. But I personally prefer selling via consignment at bricks and mortar stores for the vintage pieces. One of the consignment shops I work with sells almost exclusively vintage clothing. I rotate out 50 pieces every six months and she normally sells about 4-5 pieces a month for me, with a 50/50 split on each sale. The downside is that I have to wait for the monthly payout and sales have been slower lately. The upside is I don’t have to spend time writing extensive descriptions, taking photos, and getting hit with fees even if something doesn’t sell.

Ebay has definitely gotten more annoying lately. I’m not a big fan of how they’ve restructured leaving feedback. I’d prefer to know about non-paying bidders.

Too many clothes! What should I do- Garage Sale, Ebay, Consignment Shop, Goodwill? Help!?

October 25th, 2012 5 comments

I have lots of nice clothes. Some still with tags, most never been worn. Good brands, average brands. I need to get rid of them- I have at least 15 large boxes of dresses, shoes, coats, pants, shirts, etc. Has anyone had this dilemma? I’ve never had a garage sale, never used a consignment shop, etc. If its a garage sale- how do you price it? Any tips?

You can make a decent amt of money on Ebay, especially if the clothes are how you describe them. The only catch is that they cut a cut of the money and even if you do not succeed in selling the item, you have to pay them.

What is ebay doing right now? It has not resulted in sales of products that was selling before?

June 26th, 2012 3 comments

Telling me ebay is just up and down doesn’t make me feel any better, is our economy taking a nosedive fast, or am I just paranoid. What is the best household or craft item to sell on ebay? Thanks guys.
Is ebay a good option for auction right now? Is it in a bigger slump than realized?

Hi – I am an established seller on eBay. eBay has been my full time job for 4 years, and I have sold over 12,000 items. I became a powerseller after 3 months of selling. I have experimented with many product lines including books, CDs, DVDs, sporting goods, cookware, household items, cosmetics, and children’s items. My product line now is mainly clothing and shoes.

As for eBay being "up and down" – According the the 2006 Annual eBay Report, the number of users on eBay is 221 million which is up 24% from the 3rd quarter 2006. Sales are up 23% from the year before. The financials point to eBay continuing to grow. You can see the financial report here:

As for the "best" products to sell, please remember that there is no magic product that works every time, all the time. This resource may help you learn more:–products-to-sell-on-ebay.html

Experimenting is the key. Research COMPLETED listings on eBay and look at what is selling. Pay attention to the number of bids on an item, and the number of unique bidders, not just the selling price. Pay attention to how quickly an item sells – if it goes on BUY IT NOW or auction. Most importantly, look thru COMPLETED listings and see what DID NOT sell. You’ll want to avoid those items.

I have a website developed for helping other sellers find success on eBay. There are free resources like my blog, newsletter with practical selling information, and work at home tips. You can sign up for the FREE newsletter. (There is also a link to my eBay store so you can see what I sell and read my feedback.)

Please email me directly and I can share more information with you, or if you have specific questions.


Information Regarding Selling On Ebay Tips

November 16th, 2011 No comments

Ebay is a worldwide used online auction site. Sometimes to start to sell on a site like this is quite daunting, so I have put together some EBay selling tips to help you get started and hopefully to help you make some money.

If you are still thinking of ideas of what you could sell to make money, just stop, look around your home and see what you think you don’t need or want anymore. Clothes, books, media, shoes, plates, china, ornaments, paper, pens, picture frames, toys. Look around to see what you think you could sell. If you are not sure if it would sell, search for it and see if anyone else is selling it, if they are then you can too!

For more information on selling on ebay tips click here

Selling On Ebay Tips

November 7th, 2011 No comments

Ebay is a globally made use of web based auction web-site. Quite often to get started to sell on a web-site like this is pretty daunting, so I have put together some EBay selling techniques to support you get began and hopefully to support you make some revenue.

If you are nonetheless thinking of tips of what you could sell to make revenue, just cease, appear about your dwelling and see what you feel you do not have to have or want anymore. Clothes, books, media, shoes, plates, china, ornaments, paper, pens, picture frames, toys. Appear about to see what you feel you could sell. If you are not confident if it would sell, search for it and see if any one else is selling it, if they are then you can too!

EBay selling techniques would not be total with out payment suggestions. Buyers can pay by varied procedures, check, postal order or PayPal. By far the easiest way is PayPal so I would very advise setting up a PayPal account for this. It is the safest way to order and sell for each the buyer and the seller.

There are expenses involved in eBay and you have to have to preserve track of what you are spending out so that you know what profit you are producing, here is a list of the expenses involved:

Item expense

Listing and reserve fees

Feature fees

Final Value fee (if the item sells).

Auction Management Service (if you use 1).

Credit card or PayPal service fees

Online service or DSL fees

Shipping expenses and supplies

Feel very carefully about the title of your item. If an individual is looking for a certain, item you have to feel what they might possibly variety into search for. For instance blue jumper Is a exceptionally vague description, but Fantastic condition ladies blue jumper size 12 would attract a lot way more visitors. Also attempt to incorporate the brand name and many people quite often search for brands.

1 of the most valuable 1 of the eBay selling techniques is to Consistently incorporate a picture of what you are selling. Most buyers will not order an item with no picture. Also, you will just about double the revenue you make if you list the picture in the gallery view, this is only 15p but most buyers will only appear at auctions with a gallery picture. Items with no gallery picture are quite often deemed invisible.

Books, CDs and DVDs and other media have ISBN or UPC numbers, if you add this into your item description then eBay will put a picture in for you of the cover of the item and also a lot of the other information and facts about the item.

Do some investigation on the item you are selling, acquire out the retail value and incorporate that in the information and facts about your item. If the buyer knows the retail value you are way more probably to get a improved cost for it. Appear up other eBay auctions selling the similar items as you, see how considerably they are going for and what they sell for, you can gauge interest that way.

You have to have to acquire out which category to put your item in, you can do this by eBays advised or you can pick out your own. For an added zero cost you can put it in a sub category also. Make confident you feel very carefully about the category and search other items comparable to yours to see what category they are listed in.

If you are nonetheless unsure about how considerably to list your item for then you can consistently get started it at a low auction cost and put a reserve cost on it so that it cannot go for below that cost. The buyer will not know what the reserve is till they get to it, but for your peace of thoughts you will know that you will get the cost you want. If you get started bidding greater you are considerably much less probably to get any bids at all.

Make confident you weigh your item and perform out the shipping expenses, do not forget to add the weight for the packaging. You can charge a flat rate for shipping so make confident this is clear in your listing. Make confident you do not put your postage expenses too high as this can scare off prospective buyers. If there are two items each going for the similar quantity, the 1 with the more affordable postage will be way more probably to get way more bids.