
Posts Tagged ‘Paypal Account’

Wholesale Video Games: Billion Dollar Industry Tips For Starting!

February 23rd, 2013 No comments

In the wholesale video game business you should required to your own self to have the proper composition of wholesale games being structured in your index page ready to maximize profit when visitors arrive. The appeal of your video games which are sold for wholesale should be domestic as well as international. However,you should always consider offering video games loved by certain type of groups of people and it should either attract kids or grownups.

The more you consider this, the better! You should consider offering from console, to cable, to controller and the related materials that are of demand at the moment. More demand, usually more money when the right items are offered correctly. On e-Bay there is a crowded competition, but that does not mean you cannot make money.

That means you must concentrate in certain sales of an industry, not sell everything to everyone. In other words, do not sell everything relating video games when you start, concentrate testing and offering accessories only or certain types of games for grownups only.
Before you can get to that part, it is very important that you get to know about Paypal! It is very essential to open a PayPal account if you are going to do business on eBay.

Paypal is the most popular merchant and the one eBay buyers trust most for making their payments through eBay purchases. The charges are relatively at a small percentage per transaction and the company protect both you and the buyer in the case of a lost for up to $1,000. The only thing you have to do is follow their guidelines in order to protect both yourself and the buyer of your current or future products.

There are millions of online shoppers shopping on eBay daily so it is very important and also profitable to have your wholesale video games business listed offering items on eBay, whether it is for getting targeted visitors or getting a link pointing to your central commercial site. As several shoppers are present on eBay, the possibility of getting a share of traffic if you put your link in each auction you submit is obviously high, so do remember to do it when you submit each item up for auction.

Since the majority of eBay buyers that buy video games and items are US residents you should also consider having more items of the same industry and very related to your industry once you have your piece of financial success. Most importantly, always try to provide positive feedback or correct any bad situation. This will be seen as professional and increase your chances of further business.

Very importantly, do not depend on just one distributor for your business. You never know what will happen to your distributor in the future or how their financial health is at very given moment. So do remember to keep looking for wholesale video games distributors that at some given time could be a potential replacement for your current source. There is surely more to learn, this cover the very basics.

Joaquin Reveron

how do i start selling on eBay ?

February 23rd, 2013 6 comments

I would like to know how to start selling on eBay and if I need to pay any fees how do I get started can some one help me please? Thank you.

Boy, did you ask the right person! I sell on ebay all the time! First you set up an account. You have to give them either a secured email or a credit card to set it up for identification purposes. (they do not charge your card) Once you set up an ebay account you will have to set up a paypal account at in order to accept paypal payments. Paypal payments are preferred by most ebayers since they can pay instantly and so there for get their item faster. Once you have a paypal account going and your ebay account set up all you do is click on sell an item at ebay. You can sell items without a paypal account but they will not go for as much and it will take time for the money to get to you by mail which is a drag. Also keep in mind that it does not cost anything to set up a paypal account either. Another note…when auctioning off items it is best to have them end at around 6.00 or 7.00 at night…they go for more during these hours. If you like my answer please vote for it. thanks

How to use paypal when selling on Ebay?

February 17th, 2013 2 comments

Trying to learn how to start selling on Ebay – I have a paypal buyer account – will it work for selling? Do they charge you any fees?

Yes it works both ways. You can also use it to request money with out selling on eBay and it has a great savings rate if you want to keep your profits in one place. The fee charged depends on the total dollar amount charged including your shipping charges. You are not charged when you use the account to purchase items on eBay. If for any reason you have to refund a buyer you get the fee returned. It also has a great link for shipping with the post office and UPS. You can pay your shipping right out of your Paypal balance. Best of all you can give your packages to your local carrier instead of running to the PO all the time. Good luck.

Working At Home With Ebay

February 14th, 2013 4 comments

Do you need to supplement your income? Perhaps you’ve just retired but wish to continue working to accrue additional funds. Working at home with eBay may be just the ticket you need to begin a successful work at home venture. Let’s explore some of the ways you can make money using this auction site.

Have you been storing away unused items or gifts in your attic or basement? Have you been collecting antiques or baseball cards which are lying somewhere in a trunk? Do you have anything of value taking up much needed space? eBay is the auction site you can utilize to begin clearing out your home of unwanted items. Easy to implement; this may become a work at home niche which can bloom into a part-time or full-time job.

In addition, eBay has every tool you will need to successfully post your items; sell them; and using their Paypal service, receive payment quickly and satisfactorily. This is probably one of the easiest methods to make money online and, more importantly you may already have the goods to begin selling today. All you need is a digital camera to upload pictures of the items, and an eBay and Paypal account.

Perhaps you already have a website promoting a service or product. You can advertise your website on eBay as well, as long as you follow the rules and regulations. After you have set up your account with eBay, it is important to read all of the information eBay has made available to you. They have implemented extraordinary guides on how to sell, what to sell, what auction price to choose based on the item, how to effectively determine in which category to sell your item, and other various methods you can use to make your selling experience successful.

If you do not think you have anything worth selling; you would be wrong. Take a day to check out eBay to see what items are being put up for auction. In addition, you also have the capability to check the final selling price of any item. This can be of enormous help in setting your own price for a specific item. It’s also important to note that eBay is very effective in weeding out bogus auctions and keeps you apprised of fraudulent practices.

Selling on eBay can be a fun, exciting and unique experience. However, as with any online transactions, you have to be alert to those who have no scruples when it comes to payment. Checking the rating of buyers is vital. You may want to limit your sales to those who have ten or more successful buys. This will prevent anyone who is a first-time buyer from causing you angst. All of these tips are included in eBay’s selling guide. Read it, research, and enjoy the benefits to be derived from working at home with eBay.

Ken Shorey

How do you get access to your money from selling on ebay?

February 11th, 2013 5 comments

I want to sell on ebay- but the way I understand it you can only use the money you make as credits on paypal unless you transfer it to your bank account but I really dont want to give out my bank information and connect it to paypal – is there any other way to credit it to your credit card or something where I can use it other than just online?

Well, you can not use Paypal as an option for payment.
Use Money Orders instead.

I buy and sell on eBay, and have a PayPal account, and it is alot easier, and they are very secure. Buyers make a payment to your PayPal account and then you transfer to your bank account.

But like I said, you can always use Money Orders.

Good Luck.

when selling on ebay, how do you know when the winning bidder has payed through paypal?

February 9th, 2013 3 comments

when selling on ebay, how do you know when the winning bidder has payed through paypal?
do you get an email?

You will get an email from PayPal. You can also log in to your PayPal account and see the transaction in your history. It should also show up on eBay as paid or payment in process or something along those lines.

Paypal declines my credit card?

February 5th, 2013 1 comment

I was adding a Paypal account to my Xbox account. Everytime I click "Add Paypal", i sign in but then it asks me to add a new card when on top it says "You have one active card" but it doesn’t let me use it.
This is very frustrating.

Paypal’s cards are horrible. Had a very similar problem myself.

To use the card as a credit card, you need to call the customer service line on the back of the card and ask that the card be reactivated. Then they’ll send you a letter turning you down. Then you call again and say that you got a letter saying your card can’t be activated. Then they activate it.

Oh, but your credit limit is ungodly low. Mine was $127. I spend over $3,000 a month on my Visa, have a $2,000 cash balance from ebay sales on the paypal card – and paypal gives me a $127 credit limit… Um, okay.

I’d use a different card for your Xbox account.

How does a seller get paid selling on Ebay?

January 11th, 2013 2 comments

How does a seller get paid selling on Ebay?
I have some things that I want to sell on Ebay. I was told by a friend that I would contact Paypal to set up a way to get paid. Is this true? How does it work.

I got an email from Ebay saying that I can list for free Oct 1-6 and it’s easy to list, sell and ship.

go to both websites and sign-up and wait, go read through the help section about shipping and getting paid and how it all works. Fees too. Get familiar real good, then sell one item to get used to how it works in the real world. Go from there. But read read read read.

Can be very rewarding but be informed first, to make the sales go smooth.

You can also get a paypal debit card which is nice because at the post office or whatever method you choose, you can pay the shipping cost with the card directly from your paypal account. And the buyer pays shipping so that makes it very handy as you can see.

How would i be able to make money on ebay?

January 9th, 2013 4 comments

How can i make money using ebay. i have a paypal account. What sort of stuff can i buy and sell on ebay? Also would i make much money doing it?

It doesn’t matter what you sell. To wit, as it is often said, "One man’s trash is another man’s treasure." Most everyone collects or wants something or other.

The thing you want to be aware of with the most popular items is that you will have the MOST COMPETITON from other sellers who sell the same items. You can’t be competitive and make a decent profit unless you get the best wholesale price to maintain an adequate profit margin. If your opening bid price is higher than other sellers selling the same items, you won’t have many sales.

Other suggestions for items to sell:

Look no further than ebay itself. You will not be looking for single item listings but rather your target will be listings that have similar, grouped items. There are ebay ‘vultures’ who just love to swoop down on similarly grouped items in one listing. When they win these auctions, they turn around and sell the items individually and, in most cases, get one and a half to 2 times and sometimes three times what they paid for them on an average item basis. I know this works. When I had more time (read unemployed), I was one of these ‘vultures.’ This is one of those situations where the parts are worth more than the whole. However, do be cautious if you venture into this arena. You have to know your merchandise. Stay in those areas you are familiar with. You can’t jump in blindly to any and every auction that has grouped items.

If you can buy a large lot of similar merchandise for $100 to $200 and turn it around for $300 to $600, it works out very nicely, indeed! Most buyers of these large lots will be vultures as well so you could be ‘butting bids.’ Keep in mind that the higher the closing price at ebay, the less your profit on the turnaround. It’s not an exact science and it does take a little experience to really know what you’re doing but you can’t be afraid to go out on a limb. That’s where the fruit is. When I see an auction of grouped items it tells me loud and clear that the seller is far more interested in getting rid of their stuff the quickest, easiest way possible and ‘be done with it’ rather than in making a decent profit or profit at all.

Short of items to sell and where to find items to sell? Garage and yard sales, church bazaars, flea markets are obvious. These can be the cheapest sources of merchandise. ‘Junktique’ shops are not that good because these folks know their merchandise. This being the case, it is usually OVERPRICED, not under priced.

If you want to let your fingers do the walking, you too can be crafty ‘vulture’ like a select group of other ebay sellers. Become a member of several smaller auction sites and search for bargains there. But as before, ‘stick with what you know.’

These smaller auction sites are great for buyers for the same reason they are bad for sellers:

Fewer potential bidders = Less competition = Lower closing prices.

Turn them around on ebay:

The ebay formula:

LARGEST auction site by far = MAXIMUM competition = HIGHER closing prices

There are also volume sellers who concentrate on only a handful of popular items by buying in volume / wholesale at a discount and selling at a discount. The average schmo at eBay can’t compete with volume sellers of a particular item.

GOODWILL sometimes also has good bargains, but not always. Mondays / Tuesdays are the best days to visit Goodwill as most people will drop off their donations on Saturdays and Sundays and it has to be cleaned, sorted and marked before it can be placed on display.

To maximize profits, sell WORLDWIDE, not just one country. A basic business tenet is, ‘The greater the potential market, the greater the potential to maximize profits.’ It’s TRUE! You will now have access to 200+ million members.

Lastly, keep in mind that experience is the best teacher. Start off slowly listing only two or three items and see how that goes for you. Once you get your feet wet and gain confidence, start listing more items on a weekly basis. You will soon learn the ins and outs and the dos and don’ts in short order and ultimately settle on a system that works best for you. The more items you list, the more items you will sell, the more $$ you will make and the harder you will work. Nothing in life comes easy and that includes becoming a successful seller at ebay. If you are conscientious and put in a little extra effort, you will do well. If you are lazy or indifferent in selling your items, you won’t. Good luck & happy selling!

Is it better to have auctions or an store on ebay? Would love to hear from ebay sellers?

December 30th, 2012 2 comments

What is the cheapest way but yet the most profitable way to go on ebay? doing auctions or just running a store. I have bought some things off ebay and have my paypal account but have never checked out the costs to get setup or how much time it takes. I’d love to hear from sellers on ebay to tell me what they think.

The basic eBay store subscription costs $15.99 a month. One advantage of an eBay store is the insertion fees for store inventory range from $0.05 to $0.10 for a one month listing. You can list multiple quantities of the same item for a single insertion fee. When you compare that with $0.20 to $4.80 for a single standard auction listing, it is a bargain.

The insertion fees may be cheaper, but the final value fee (FVF) charged when an item is sold from an eBay store is significantly higher. The fee is almost double the final value fee of a standard auction. For example, the FVF for a $100 item selling in an eBay store is $7.75. For an auction, the FVF is $3.75. This difference in FVF needs to be factored in when deciding whether to list an item as a store listing or as an auction listing.

The main disadvantage of using an eBay store is the store inventory only appears in the main search results when there are 30 or fewer auctions and fixed-price listings found. This means if you are trying to sell a very popular item in an eBay store, it will not will not be included in the standard search results. This makes it very difficult for buyers to find store items.

An eBay store works best if you have multiple quantities of the same item. The best strategy is to list one unit as an auction and list the rest in the store. When buyers see the auction listing, they may check the other items that are listed for sale by the seller. This list will include items from the seller’s eBay store. Buyers may chose to buy the unit out of your store instead of waiting for the auction to end.

Good Luck,
Visit for more eBay tips.