
Posts Tagged ‘Orient Nights’

Where can I buy bikini nights perfume?

March 3rd, 2013 1 comment

I have looked absolutely everywhere for Anchor Blue’s "Bikini Nights" perfume. I know it was discontinued quite a while ago, but I’ve looked everywhere trying to find it. Ebay, overstock, amazon, and every other online site within the first 50 pages of google search. Has anyone seen it for sale on any website, or know of a perfume really really similar?

Hi There,

Making a good smelling perfume is as much a matter of technique as it is art. Combining the various ingredients drop by drop using a complex formula can be daunting for the beginner or hobbyist. The slightest change in the formula can drastically alter the smell of the perfume, creating a foul smelling concoction in an instant.

Then again, the slightest change can also create a sweet smelling alternative scent. For the beginner, however, there’s a simple recipe to learn the basics of perfume making known as Orient Nights that’s quick to mix and presents a light, refreshing scent.