I want to start selling a lot of stuff on Ebay. Whats a good place to get stuff wholesale?
Also, what do I do about my income tax? Do I turn in the income from Ebay or just my regular Job? Thanks!
Trust me; you want no part of the “wholesaler” game. What once was a great idea has now spread so everyone and their mother is doing it. Margins are razor thin at best and I suspect non-existent when you factor in most drop shippers "Membership fees" along with eBay and PayPal’s cut.
Clothing is a BIG business on eBay. Try shopping a discounter like TJ Maxx, Ross for Less, Marshalls or whatever it is called in your area for women’s clothes from designers like Ralph Lauren, BCBG or Tommy Hilfiger. Often times you can find, for example, a woman’s shirt that sells in the mall for $50 on sale for $10. Odds are if you put it on eBay for $25, you’d sell it. The customer thinks they saved $25 and you made $15. 🙂 Now multiply it by 100 sales and you’re in business. I do about $2K a month in sales and I profit about $500 and that’s from just working part time. It’s not "easy money", you do have to work at it, but if you’re willing to invest the time and effort, you can do it.
Regarding your taxes – Find yourself a good CPA – I managed to write down all of my eBay profit and actually showed a “loss” once I factored in expenses. If you are running your auctions as a business, you may write off a portion of your mortgage/rent, utilities, mileage, internet, paypal fees, postal supplies etc. In addition, if you did any shopping while on vacation you may write off a portion of your hotel bills, your food bills and your mileage there as well.
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