
Posts Tagged ‘Many People’

Article Marketing Tips – How to Churn Out Articles

February 11th, 2013 2 comments

Many people hate writing articles because they may simply feel like they take too much time and require too much work. If it takes 30 minutes to an hour to write an article, you can easily see how this can be prohibitive to an individual who needs to churn out as much information as possible, especially if they are using article marketing to drive traffic to the website. 

The more articles that they a person can write, the greater the potential is for them to get more traffic and increase sales. There are ways to speed up the article writing process.  We will discuss them below.

To speed up the amount of time that it takes to create an article, individuals can use transcription software, be sure to do their homework, go with the flow, realize that their articles don’t have to be perfect, and simply relax.

Transcription software allows individuals to speak their article into a microphone. The software will transcribe it to text. All the author needs to do o thereafter is proof the article and make needed corrections.  This is simply an audio to text transcription software.  You can purchase this type of software at your local office supply store or online at places like eBay.

Do your homework.  If you’re familiar with the topic that you are writing about, it will be much easier to write.  Make sure that you do your research on the topic. This will speed up your writing a great deal.

Go with the flow.  Don’t stop and make corrections every time you misspell a word or if the sentences don’t come out exactly the way that you want it the first time. You can always go back and proof it. When you get in the flow you don’t want to stop yourself. Simply go with it and make corrections later.

Realize that your article does not have to be perfect.  You are not writing for the New York Times.  You are writing for the average person and you will need to write on a level that they will understand. Don’t worry about your article being absolutely perfect and of professional quality.

Lastly, relax. It’s just an article.  You could be spending your time doing something much more difficult or stressful. Try to enjoy the process of being able to research and write about different and new topics.

Again, these are some simple ways to increase your article output.  Consider using transcription software, make sure that you do your homework, go with the flow, realize that you don’t have to be perfect and relax.

Scott Brooks

How do you make a living on ebay?

February 7th, 2013 4 comments

Hi there I just wondered is there anyone out there who has any tips and hints on making a living selling on ebay. Ive heard there are people who do this but I wonder how this is possible. When I look at the various products on sale there dont seem to be many people bidding and it looks quite hard to make a profit. Ive started buying a few items to get positive feedback but when i have say about ten of these where do I go from there?

It is difficult to make a living on eBay!

Most things I sell are used items, but its hard to find what the buyer wants – things that you think will sell or get the highest number of bids, often take the longest time to shift and the things that you think are not so good and won’t get any interest often go for a lot more than you think….

For example…. I make handmade cards, which are really lovely, not giddy and totally worth the money I am asking for them, and yet I struggle to sell them, not because of the price I’m asking, its because people go to the local newsagent or card shop to buy them and don’t think to look for things like that on ebay – on the other hand – I just recently sold a pair of curtains that I was embarrassed to get the money I did for them (not that they were shoddy or anything – perfectly nice pair of curtains) but certainly not worth the 25 dollars someone bid for them! AND just in case you were thinking – the buyer absolutely loved them! sent me an email when she’d received them and gave me awesome feedback!

I personally look at ebay as a way to make a little extra money, when the kiddies have outgrown things, and when I find I no longer use something! I usually put money I earn towards their new seasonal wardrobe (I have 2 young kiddies that are growing like crazy at the moment!) and must admit that it helped at christmas this year too!

I think for you to be able to get a really good living on eBay, you have to have a really good product, a niche in the market, or at least a product that you have enough of that you can get to the top of the page so to speak (eg if you have 100 of an item at buy it now, you will be higher up the page than if you have only 1 of an item to sell!)

Sorry if I sound negative, but just trying to be realistic! The more you sell (or buy) the more accustomed you become to what products are selling and what aren’t! And at the same time, what is worth actually putting on ebay and what is better to just chuck in the bin! I have listed some things loads of times and its got to the point now where even if I sell at a decent price (what the items worth) then I already spent that on listing fees!

Do research! Just have a browse at what you think may sell, and do international searches on both open and closed listings! Its very time consuming, but if you have a product in mind, you can at least see where the land lies!

Good luck with your Ebaying – Hope it all works well for you!

do many people buy online?

December 28th, 2012 2 comments

I was looking into selling my own printed clothing online, I know that ebay is a good idea (opening a shop for my own designs)- how sucessful will this endevour be or should I just stick with shop sales and cut out the hastle?
In other words do many people shop online really?

Oh yes, more and more people are buying online.

Here’s the Bureau of Census statistics on ecommerce — in 2009, ecommerce accounted for $145 billion in sales

One way is to use eBay as a test market whether your products will sell. Also do if your item qualifies. This way you can see:

– whether there’s a demand for your products
– what kind of sales copy or product description you need to write (note the kind of questions ebay users ask you)
– use ebay to practice taking good pictures of your products, in multiple angles

Once you see there seems to be a demand you can then open your own website. But it should not be an either/or situation — even if you have a website, explore as many opportunities to sell your products. Sell it on ebay, Amazon, etsy, shop sales, etc — the more venues you sell, the better

Do you have to pay anything when selling stuff on Ebay?

December 28th, 2012 2 comments

Are there any fees? And how does the shipping work, how do you ship it out.

Yes you do. There’s a list of ebay listing charges at

PayPal does not charge for personal accounts –

You need to set a realistic price for shipping and ebay has a shipping calculator based on yours and buyers zip code.

However some people advise to use a fixed shipping fee –

USPS has a cost calculator – so does UPS – Remember when using these you need the total weight of the package including packaging.

Many people have been using ebay for a long time and know roughly how much shipping should be so don’t go over the top when adding items like the packing materials and your time. Apart from losing sales – I, for one, won’t buy from people who are over the top on their handling fees – it is against ebay policy –

Why does ebay make me list my items for 3 days or 5 days and not allow one day listing sometimes?

December 10th, 2012 1 comment

I’ve tried many things like taking out buy now, or not listing the name brand. I have tried a lesser bid price. I have tried everything just about except for trying a different category because I like to list accurately. Is it that certain categories you have to list for 3 or five or 7 days? Or is it the way I choose my listing items? I need some help. I appreciate any that I can get. 🙂

Certain items don’t qualify for 1 day auctions ( high priced electronics) as an example. Besides, 1 day auctions will be missed by many people. 7 day sales can be slow & i don’t see the advantage to a short listing.

How can I sell easily on eBay as a new seller?

November 10th, 2012 6 comments

Most people don’t want to buy from a new seller because there is some risk involved. Are there any techniques I could use for selling until I get some good feedback?

Here’s what you do?
Search items which have free shipping.
Just bid $0.99 only. If you win good and if not no prob.
In other words, you would be paying only $0.99 for a feedback. Once you reach 50, then i think people will start buying from you. Once you hit 100 you can open an eBay store. But your sales will still be slow.

After 500 rating, you sales will start to increase. For now, since you don’t have a high rating, try selling cheap stuff which people wont go crazy if it breaks or gets damages.

Oh yea! you can try to sell textbooks. Now many people don’t care about the rating of the seller when it comes to buying textbooks.


Profit, Stay Away! Give Me Tips to Stop Making Any!

February 15th, 2012 No comments

In the business world, there are so many products that can complement your product, if you look for them. You don’t want to do that because by finding a strategic business partner, you will increase your sales ratio. You don’t want profits; aligning with someone will increase the chance of their customers spilling over to your products, resulting in too many sales.

Perhaps one day a partner will come knocking at your door; you should look for ones that don’t have the same objective as you. An example of this is when you sell computer parts and the other partner sells perfume. This method is a sure win-win solution to decreasing profits. Normally when you form a partnership with a business owner, you will trade leads, share marketing information and sell package deals that benefit both sides. However, you don’t want any profit, so you want to make sure any deal resulting from the partnership will fail to incite customers’ interest.

Whatever you do, don’t brand your name and business. One of the best ways to gather traffic to your site is by writing articles and submitting them to e-zines or web sites for republishing. You don’t want to do this because it is free advertising that too many people will see. Once people start to recognize that you are indeed knowledgeable about your product, they will flock to your website for more information. Never do this as it will increase your sales too much. And god forbids, once people see your article and love it so much, they will post it on their own sites. Imagine the horror of the link to your site on dozens of websites without you even doing anything other than submitting an article. What an awful mess; you might actually make some profits. Noooooooooo!

Did you know eBay regularly pulls in millions of customers a day? Imagine the traffic if you decide to go and list (post) your product on eBay. Stop right there: you do not want to do this. It is a good thing I warned you ahead of time because otherwise you will might make a mistake and market on the eBay market.

Another option I have seen is people starting auctions on their websites. The types of auction they start are usually related to the theme of their site.

Don’t go and start any auction on your site, you might draw traffic from auctioneers and bidders. Remember, I gave you a warning. If you didn’t listen to me and did exactly what I told you not to do, you will generate sales.

Everybody talks about time management. Who cares! We don’t want to make any profits! Spend all your time playing games and procrastinating. Remember to not take a little time out of your day or week to brainstorm. New ideas are usually the difference between success and failure. You don’t want any profits, so don’t spend any time on your business.

There are so many people who are successful. Isn’t it disgusting? Who would want to make all that money? However, we can use it to our benefit. Make sure you model the exact opposite of other successful businesses or people. What you can do in this case is to note some of the habits that have made them successful and do the exact opposite of what they do. You see, successful people can be useful in some way.

This has been proven over and over again. There is no use denying it: hype words work brilliantly in converting sales. In advertisement, using emotional words of love, security, relief, freedom, happiness, satisfaction, fun, shock, extraordinaire and so on, have the ability to make your customers act with their hearts rather then their mind. Unfortunately for you, the majority of people buy with their hearts rather than their mind and sales people play up to it. Well guess what, you don’t have to put up with this. Why is that? It’s because you are not looking for sales.

Trust me, if you do everything I have written, you have my guarantee that you won’t make any profits. Good luck, because we all hate profits here!!

Katie Fong

How Can I Use My Website in Conjunction With Ebay?

January 24th, 2012 3 comments

Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Smithson

You might already know that eBay does not allow the direct promotion of websites within auctions, but did you know there are ways to promote your website on eBay without violating any of their terms of service so that you can directly benefit from the millions of visitors they bring to the table?

First of all, you can put practically anything you want on your ‘About Me’ page. eBay allows you to advertise almost anything there, as long as it isn’t illegal. This is a wonderful starting point for you to add links to your website, and direct any visitors who view your ‘About Me’ page to your main web site, or any other web site you might want them to see.

Another place where you may freely add links to your site is on an eBay blog. Many people are not even aware of the eBay blog feature that lets you host a blog right on the eBay site. You can put almost anything you want on the blog too – including a link to your site. This gives you an instant back-link from a domain with huge authority. As of right now, there are no ‘nofollow’ attributes on links there, so it’s a great place to get a back-link.

You can also promote your site through your auctions by advertising your site within your products themselves. If you’re selling info products like eBooks or videos, you can provide the URL of your website within the product itself.

If you are shipping actual goods, you can include your URL on a ‘thank you’ card inside the package. If you have an e-commerce website that sells related products, you can send your buyers to your site to buy related merchandise, instead of having them buy through eBay. This will stop you from having to pay the eBay fees for those purchases.

You can include your URL in every email you send out to winning bidders, and to those who ask you questions about items. You should consider setting your email signature to include the URL to your site so that you’ll never forget to give it a plug.

Another common tactic is to watermark photos with your URL. If you’re listing a product on eBay, you’ll most likely be including at least one photo of the item. You can put your URL on that photo, so people who view the auction will see the URL, and might visit your site and purchase there instead. This is another way to avoid some of your eBay fees. You might even get lucky and have several visitors come to your site and purchase from a single auction listing, which means increased revenues and a substantial saving on eBay fees as you won’t have to pay anything on the sales that come directly through your site.

One final point is that it’s worth remembering that not everyone likes buying from auction sites. Many people prefer to buy direct from the seller, and by using the above techniques you give people a chance to do exactly that. Of course, you will still be paying fees on any sales made through eBay, which is only fair, but by using the above techniques you can help generate additional business on every single listing.

Paul Smithson

Winning At The eBay Game

January 8th, 2012 4 comments

Many people do make good money with their eBay businesses. You can be one of those people if you take the right steps at the beginning to set up your business. You should approach an eBay business like any other. Do the necessary research first. Don’t rush into it with dreams of making a quick fortune.

Take your time and familiarize yourself with the eBay website. Take notes of the type of products you are thinking of selling – check out the competition, pricing and most of all take particular note of actual selling prices and whether the bidding was slow or fast and furious.

There are literally millions (somewhere in the region of 100 million) of eBay members, but this does not mean you are going to reach anywhere near that number. They won’t even know you exist unless you prepare your strategy first.

You’ll find that a large number of successful eBay sellers have started off as buyers. This is a good idea as you can get a feel for how the whole system works, plus you will know what buyers are looking for and what problems you are likely to encounter. Being a buyer will certainly help you become a proficient seller as you will understand the system from both sides of the fence.

A few things to take note of while you are learning from the buyer’s point of view:

  • the customer service you received
  • the accuracy of the description of the selling item
  • the ease and speed of finalizing the transaction
  • whether communication was good or not
  • was the sales page well set out
  • were delivery costs fair and reasonable

If you approach an eBay business like any other online business you will have a much better chance of making a good income. The following points should give you an idea of what you should be thinking about.

1. Decide whether you will set up an eBay Store

Whilst checking out the eBay website, you would have noticed a number of sellers have their own eBay Store. The advantages of this are many and you would be wise to check out the details of setting up your own eBay Store. Information is readily available on the eBay site.

2. Setting up your own Website

For many reasons, it is advisable to have your own independent website. Look at it as your “Head Office” with your eBay store as a subsidiary. If at some time in the future you decide to discontinue your eBay store, you will still have your business website.

Another good reason for setting up a website is that it gives you the ability to diversify your business. This can mean the difference between success and failure. It will also give you the ability to build a subscriber list that will be beneficial for both your eBay business and your own website business.

3. What Products are in high demand?

Take particular note of products that sell well and what the competition is. Also check the availability of the products as well as the cost. Armed with this information you can determine whether or not a product is a viable proposition.

4. eBay Learning Center and University

Before you think of buying tutorials on eBay trading, check out the resources provided by eBay.

The Learning Center will provide you with tutorials and guides relative to the different areas of eBay. In addition, you will find many free resources on the internet in the form of reports, tutorials and e-books. So have a good look around before paying for this type of information. Of course if you do purchase training products they will more than likely be a taxable deduction.

The eBay University runs offline and online courses covering every aspect of an eBay business. This is where you can learn tried and true methods from the experts.

Running your own eBay business can be a rewarding experience. To ensure you succeed, research your market and your product before undertaking your first Auction.

Remember you will receive queries from prospective bidders, so you must be extremely knowledgeable about your product.

Sam Crowley

Information Regarding Ebay Store Sales

November 26th, 2011 No comments

Many people have jumped on the eBay bandwagon, learning quickly this online auction and direct sales marketplace can open doors for individuals and businesses alike. By driving thousands of potential buyers to users’ wares each day, the site can be a literal goldmine when it’s tapped into. There is even eBay store software out there now to make the process of setting up shop even easier.

The idea behind eBay store software is to help individuals and businesses that want to set up virtual storefronts on this site do so with ease. As eBay gets even bigger, the choices in eBay store software are getting better all the time, too. For those who aren’t aware, eBay isn’t just for single item sales anymore. The site allows for the creation of full shops so users can consolidate their auctions and sales in one place. The eBay store software package options just make this easier.

For more information on ebay store sales click here