
Posts Tagged ‘Estate Sales’

Where can I find lists of home being sold at auction?

January 13th, 2013 3 comments

I’m looking for local auctions of homes for either tax sales or foreclosures. I’ve checked out the local county website but nothing is available there except the auction process,no listings. I’ve checked the local paper for public notices, but nothing is listed there either.
There are numerous websites that list foreclosures and auctions that will take place on various dates, but without paying to join these websites I can only obtain limited amounts of info.
Basically I want to obtain this info myself without paying to join a website.

Try it lists auction houses and what they are auctioning off that month, some auction houses list estate sales and home auctions. There is a tab for home auctions all around the US.

How do you make money on Ebay?

November 26th, 2012 6 comments

Yeah, I know you sell items and hopefully make a profit. However, I was looking for more information on legitimate wholesalers, if it’s smart to only use dropshipping wholesalers, or to just drive around and hopefully find goods that are popular on sale or clearance and resell them using ebay.

Thanks so much, just trying to get started.

It is difficult to make any money by buying wholesale and reselling on eBay because so many other people are already buying things from the same wholesalers. It is very competitive so you have to keep your prices low to sell so there is usually a very low profit margin on each item sold.

Drop shippers can be kind of scary because you have no control. You can’t see the product before it is shipped and you need to depend on them to ship the item promptly. If things ship slow or arrive damaged it hurts your seller feedback and you get negatives. It can also be a mess to deal with returns of damaged items since you have to deal with the drop shipper. I have used a few drop shippers, but only those that I have tested several times by making purchases and have the items shipped to me to make sure they are dependable.

People who make the most on eBay are the ones who search estate sales, garage sales, swap meets, liquidators, quitting business sales, Craig’s list, etc. for items that are being sold at well below their value and re-sell them. Of course you need to become knowledgeable about the value of the items you see and spend most of your spare time looking for items to sell.

Can you really make money on Ebay?

September 20th, 2012 4 comments

Hubby and I will both be taking 16 hours in the Fall and we need to have some money coming in! Do you think I could make some decent money buying things at Estate Sales, and selling it on Ebay? If you or anyone you know makes a decent living from Ebay, please give me some tips!

Stay away from dropshippers – they’re death on ebay.

You MAY be able to make money if you can;

Pick the right stuff
Sell it when there’s demand and not much competition
Do it often enough.

Selling on ebay is pretty tough these days. Making a living doing it can be even tougher.

I’d suggest that you spend some time on "seller central", the main ebay forum for sellers;

They can tell you what you need to know.

Estate Sale and Thrift Store Picking for eBay Profit..Vintage Advertising, Clocks and Clothes

September 3rd, 2012 8 comments

Hi all, these are my finds from the past couple of days. From my last video the vintage Concept receiver I just listed on ebay today and sold for $430 within 5 hours, so that is a nice $300+ profit.

Duration : 0:11:1

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Ebay Sales Update – July 25, 2012

August 26th, 2012 10 comments

Just a quick update on a few things that sold in my ebay store at auction last week.

You can check out my ebay store here…..

Thanks for watching!!

Duration : 0:5:48

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Ebay Garage Sale Haul – June 8-9, 2012

August 5th, 2012 19 comments

Here are the items that I found at garage sales on June 8 & 9, 2012.

You can check out my ebay store here…..

Thanks for watching!!

Duration : 0:11:12

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Update of Ebay Sales for Items Purchased at Garage/Estate Sales, Thrift Stores, & Auctions!

July 29th, 2012 10 comments

Recent Ebay sales from garage/estate sales, thrift stores and auction finds. In an effort to spark sales and generate some cash flow, I have been using Best Offer, which has been working out quite well. I am getting a bit less than I want for some items, but if they aren’t selling I figure it is better to just sell those items and move on.
See Ann Save on Facebook:

Ebay Store:
Amazon Storefront:

Duration : 0:1:7

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“How To Find Gold at Garage Sales & Estate Sales A Few Tips!! by Glendon Cameron”

July 16th, 2012 25 comments

Special of the week- GOOD STUFF UNDER THE FOLD!! if you want to get in contact with me , connect with me or learn more about me. All the links are below from my Facebook page to the various social media platforms I use. My videos are all about my life as a full time storage auction buyer and all of the crazy stuff that has happened to me in the storage auction game! I have written 5 books in the resale space. Making Money A-Z with Self Storage Auctions, Pimping Craigslist and the Ultimate Garage Sale

( The Ultimate Storage Auction Guide – Getting In The Black with Ebay no longer in print)

If you want to learn how to be successful in the storage auction business, resale business or Craigslist just check out my storage auction playlist for tips and tricks of the trade and after you do that and feel that you need more buy my books- there is even more information in those edition to help you make money as a resale professional!

Interesting interviews about me-

My first book interview-

Books on Amazon -

Consulting Services-


3 Print book deal

Storage Auction ebook deal-

Free How To Get Your Hustle On Webinar-

Glendon Cameron Linkedin-

Twitter @storageauctiong

Buy The Ulitmate Garage Sale Book here- Making Money A-Z with Storage Unit Auctions 2011 and check out my blog here

Storage Auction Depot

10 Reasons You Should Buy My Book

1.It is exciting
2.By following the techniques in the book you will make money!
3.Low startup cost
4.Extra income of $500 or more per month
5.Start making money in little as a few days
6.You will learn a lot about many things
7.I am credible and I have the experience check the reviews
8.You can get so much stuff for yourself
9.I will teach you to sell online
10.I am a real person Google me to see what I have been up to!

buy the book fool!

Are you looking to get into the storage auction business but have no clue to where to get started? Do you want to earn extra cash, replace or even create income for your family? Written by Glendon Cameron, a serial entrepreneur that made a six figure income for years from selling the contents of storage units bought at auctions. This book will take you step by step on how to make money with storage unit auctions. You will learn how to find the auctions, buy the good stuff and have fun with storage unit auctions * Learn how to make thousands of dollars per month using storage unit auctions. * Where to buy, what to buy and how to move it. * How to use eBay, craigslist to make money and find even more customers. * How to save thousands on your own personal expenses using storage unit auction. * How to get start today with no financial investment Whether you want to make a few extra dollars a month or open up your own store this book will set you down the right path. This is the most comprehensive storage auction book on the market! There are many tools enclosed on how to make it in the business!

storage unit auctions, public storage , gold, silver, storage auction book, storage auction training, storage auction business, storage auction tv shows, storage auction tips, entrepreneur

Duration : 0:14:12

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Ebay Sales for the Week of August 7-13, 2011

July 16th, 2012 11 comments

My Ebay sales for the week of August 7-13, 2011. Another good week of steady sales, plus sales on Amazon have really picked up. So glad to be over the slow month of July!

My favorite sales were my old broken iPhone (the volume doesn’t work), which sold for $144.01 (this was the second time it was up at auction as the first winner didn’t pay); the vintage Polaroid Land Camera lot that I paid $5 for and that sold for $59; and the Pioneer Seed snapback hat that I paid $1.25 for and that sold for $28.01!

Ebay Store:
Amazon Store:
Facebook: Annabella’s Gift Shop (I have both a page to “LIKE” and a page to “FRIEND”)

Duration : 0:1:21

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Ebay – My Lucky Rummage Sale Finds – May 31, 2012

July 8th, 2012 25 comments

Here are the items that I found at my favorite (and most of the time lucky), rummage sale.

You can check out my ebay store here…..

Thanks for watching!!

Duration : 0:14:28

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