Special of the week- http://tiny.cc/yyy8bw GOOD STUFF UNDER THE FOLD!! if you want to get in contact with me , connect with me or learn more about me. All the links are below from my Facebook page to the various social media platforms I use. My videos are all about my life as a full time storage auction buyer and all of the crazy stuff that has happened to me in the storage auction game! I have written 5 books in the resale space. Making Money A-Z with Self Storage Auctions, Pimping Craigslist and the Ultimate Garage Sale
( The Ultimate Storage Auction Guide – Getting In The Black with Ebay no longer in print)
If you want to learn how to be successful in the storage auction business, resale business or Craigslist just check out my storage auction playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL211435D3F657D451&feature=plcp for tips and tricks of the trade and after you do that and feel that you need more buy my books- there is even more information in those edition to help you make money as a resale professional!
Interesting interviews about me- http://www.storagefront.com/therentersbent/qa-with-glendon-cameron-a-storage-auction-addict
My first book interview- http://www.sellingbooks.com/glendon-cameron-author-interview/
Books on Amazon -http://www.amazon.com/Glendon-Cameron/e/B003AK1T4I/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
Consulting Services- http://urbanpackrat.com/diary/consulting/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/glendon.cameron
3 Print book deal http://urbanpackrat.com/diary/3-storage-auction-book-deal/
Storage Auction ebook deal-http://urbanpackrat.com/diary/storage-auction-reseller-money-making-ebook-deal-how-to-make-resale-money/
Free How To Get Your Hustle On Webinar- https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/993709993
Glendon Cameron Linkedin- http://www.linkedin.com/pub/glendon-cameron/31/214/364
Twitter @storageauctiong
Buy The Ulitmate Garage Sale Book here- https://www.createspace.com/3486219 Making Money A-Z with Storage Unit Auctions 2011 http://tiny.cc/4lcpc and check out my blog here http://storageauctionguru.com
Storage Auction Depot http://tiny.cc/wplm9
10 Reasons You Should Buy My Book
1.It is exciting
2.By following the techniques in the book you will make money!
3.Low startup cost
4.Extra income of $500 or more per month
5.Start making money in little as a few days
6.You will learn a lot about many things
7.I am credible and I have the experience check the reviews
8.You can get so much stuff for yourself
9.I will teach you to sell online
10.I am a real person Google me to see what I have been up to!
buy the book fool!
Are you looking to get into the storage auction business but have no clue to where to get started? Do you want to earn extra cash, replace or even create income for your family? Written by Glendon Cameron, a serial entrepreneur that made a six figure income for years from selling the contents of storage units bought at auctions. This book will take you step by step on how to make money with storage unit auctions. You will learn how to find the auctions, buy the good stuff and have fun with storage unit auctions * Learn how to make thousands of dollars per month using storage unit auctions. * Where to buy, what to buy and how to move it. * How to use eBay, craigslist to make money and find even more customers. * How to save thousands on your own personal expenses using storage unit auction. * How to get start today with no financial investment Whether you want to make a few extra dollars a month or open up your own store this book will set you down the right path. This is the most comprehensive storage auction book on the market! There are many tools enclosed on how to make it in the business!
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Duration : 0:14:12
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