
Posts Tagged ‘Consumer Electronics’

Is the current crisis affecting peoples’ spending habits?

October 17th, 2012 1 comment

I wanted to ask specifically about spending (with regards to the current crisis), because I sometimes like to sell things online on the side, and nobody has really bought anything in the last few months.

Is it just me, or have there actually been studies/statistics recently showing that the crisis is actually scaring people away from purchasing things they don’t really need, such as consumer electronics and designer clothing and things?

I mean, has there been a drastic drop in sales in the last few months for retailers and sites like eBay and Amazon? I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true, considering the problems with unemployment, the stock market, rising prices, and most importantly, CREDIT. Seems like all of these things would adversely affect the consumer’s likeliness right now to purchase things they don’t need.

If so, I’m scared to think how long it may take for people to get back their "spending confidence."

There has been a decline in spending.

Much of our spending is financed by debt; hopefully this crisis teaches people to be more frugal.

Information Regarding Ebay Statistics 2009

December 18th, 2011 No comments

A lot of people are asking, “What is the most sold item on eBay?” Many online merchants and consumers can attest that it’s virtually impossible to point out the single most popular and saleable item that on eBay. However, most experts agree that the most sold item on eBay falls under the category of consumer electronics (iPods, Mp3 players, Mp4 players, GPS devices, gadgets, etc.).

The consumer market for this category is huge; thus the infinitely large amount of sellers. Planning to go against other sellers and sell products in this category can either bring fortune or spell doom to you. For one, Power Sellers who are already established sellers in this category already won the loyalty of many consumers in the market. They can also afford to lower their prices as they see fit.

For more information on ebay statistics 2009 click here

Ebay Statistics 2009

November 7th, 2011 No comments

A lot of many people are asking, What is the most sold item on eBay Most web based merchants and shoppers can attest that it is practically impossible to point out the single most famous and saleable item that on eBay. In spite of this, most professionals agree that the most sold item on eBay falls below the category of consumer electronics (iPods, Mp3 players, Mp4 players, GPS devices, gadgets, and so on.).

The consumer market place for this category is tremendous therefore the infinitely sizeable quantity of sellers. Arranging to go against other sellers and sell merchandise in this category can either bring fortune or spell doom to you. For 1, Energy Sellers who are already established sellers in this category already won the loyalty of most shoppers in the market place. They can also afford to lower their rates as they see fit.

What is their secret you could possibly wonder. Becoming a Energy Seller on eBay does not take that considerably as lengthy as you know how the technique operates. Their secret is: order at low bulk rates, and sell at marginally high but reasonable rates. That is perfect – order in bulk. The crucial to the order-and-sell market is to acquire your goods at wholesale suppliers. You will save a lot when you acquire sizeable numbers of items or in groups from excellent wholesale providers. Take note of this principle and you too will come to be a Energy Seller in no time, selling the most sold item on eBay.

Therefore, you too can exploit the most sold item on eBay. All it takes is a high quality home business sense, a bit of investigation, connections to high quality wholesale suppliers, and some time and effort. If you do not know exactly where to appear for wholesale suppliers, there are wholesale directories which can guide you.