
Posts Tagged ‘Budget’

What kind of product should i make to sell on ebay?

January 30th, 2013 1 comment

I’m looking for a product to sell on ebay but i currently got a blank mind DX.
Anyway i want a product that i can make with ease then sell on ebay.
What should i do?

I think i would search eBay for other hand made items and pick something for there that your budget will allow.Try a Yahoo search for handmade items.

Is there a really cheap trumpet that plays with the same technique as a real one?

December 6th, 2012 1 comment

I want to try out the trumpet, but dont want to pay $100 to do it. I don’t care if it’s a toy. Just as long as you play it in the same way you would a regular trumpet.

Technique is more about the player than the instrument, but a junk horn isn’t going to have the same response as something well made. With your limited budget, look for something used on Craigslist.
Tip: If a Google search of the brand leads to sales listings on Amazon or eBay instead of a company website, don’t buy it.

Record High Gold Prices in India Attracts Investors

September 3rd, 2012 2 comments

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Gold prices in India are at record highs. More investors are entering the gold markets trying to hedge against rising inflation while the traditional gold jewelry markets are on the decline.

In India, gold increased to a record high of about $497 per 10 grams following a global surge. This has triggered purchases from investors looking to protect themselves against rising inflation while scaring traditional consumers away from the markets.

In New Delhi’s jewelry market of Karol Bagh, the shopkeepers are worried about losing their long-time customers whose numbers have dwindled following a prolonged increase in the price of gold.

[Rakesh Saraf, Gold Society of Delhi]:
“There are more investors in the market and they are buying bullion bars and less of jewelry sale is there. Only a compulsive (compulsory) buying is there in the market where there is a marriage in the family and you have to buy.”

India is the world’s largest consumer of gold, and for centuries, gold has held an allure for Indian women.

It also forms an integral part of an Indian wedding where parents of the bride give their daughter gold jewelry as her dowry and a means of financial security.

But the high prices at the moment are worrying some traditional consumers.

[Swati Malhotra, Jewelry Buyer]:
“They are increasing so high I was thinking that when my son will grow up how will I manage his marriage? So I am investing right now for him.”

[Monica Suri, Jewelry Buyer]:
“Right now we are postponing that our budget is not so much that we can buy right now, let us see.”

Gold traditionally benefits from a weak dollar, times of political and economic uncertainty, and periods of rising inflation. Prices have doubled since the lows of 2008.

Duration : 0:1:47

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best make of computer and best service of seller for this computer?

July 13th, 2012 7 comments

I am thinking of getting a new computer, not right now, but soon cause ours is 7 years old and a bit slow and with updates not supporing the old windows packages and some other issues too, we want to either upgrade or buy new.

so what i would like to know in your opinion which make/company is the best to go to, give the best sales service (ie don’t try to sell you the highest priced rubbish, promising it does what i want and find that the graphics card is worse than we got now say!

also want a company that if i should need them, have good after sales service too. often a sore point with computer stores/co’s

right I am after a good, reasonable priced, fast machine, with good graphics and sounds for game play, as well as home/office like MSworks/broadband, decent basic software, without loads of school child programs, not lookiing to buy via ebay sellers either.

does anyone just do the tower, without mouse/keyboard cause we got good ones?

thanks in advance for any sensible advise

This is U.K. Answers, so I’m going to assume you live in the U.K.
I had my system built by a local shop that I checked had been in business for a while. I found them by word of mouth advertising. They asked me what I wanted to be able to do on the p.c. and helped me design a system within my budget. The price included set up and delivery.
I’ve had to call them out three times. Twice I got a quick response and the problem was fixed at my home for £30 – £50. The other time they talked me through what to do on the phone and there was no charge.

If you can’t find anywhere like this, then think about somewhere a bit pricier like Evesham. Frankly, all the big companies will sell you a system using the lowest grade components they can use, slapped together in a factory. Profit margins are so low that its a wonder any of them are still in business. They get their money back from the expensive phone support.

10 Steps to Successful Selling on Ebay

July 7th, 2012 4 comments

Step 1: Identify your market. Take a while to sit and watch for what sells and what doesn’t out of the items you’re interested in. Any market research data you can collect will be very useful to you later on. You’ll probably see the ‘sweet spots’ quite quickly – those one or two items that always seem to sell for a good price.


 Step 2: Watch the competition. Before you invest any money, see what the other sellers in your category are up to, and what their strategies are. Pay special attention to any flaws their auctions might have, because this is where you can move in and beat them at their own game.


 Step 3: Find a product: Get hold of a supplier for whatever it is you want to sell, and see what the best rates you can get are – don’t be afraid to ring round quite a few to get the best deal. If the eBay prices you’ve seen are higher than the supplier’s, then you’re set.


 Step 4: Start small: Don’t throw thousands at your idea straight away – get started slowly, see what works and what doesn’t, and learn as you go. Remember that it’s very cheap to try out even the craziest ideas on eBay, and who knows, they might just work!


 Step 5: Test and repeat. Keep trying different strategies until you find something that works, and then don’t be ashamed to keep doing it, again and again. The chances are that you’ve just found a good niche.


 Step 6: Work out a business plan: A business plan doesn’t need to be anything formal, just a few pages that outline the market opportunity you’ve spotted, your strategy, strengths and weaknesses of the plan and a brief budget. This is more for you than it is for anyone else.


Step 7: Invest and expand: This is the time to throw money at the problem. Buy inventory, and start spending more time on your business. Set a goal number of sales each week, increasing it each time.


Step 8: Make it official: Once you’ve made a few thousand dollars worth of sales, you should really register yourself as a business. Don’t worry, it’s not expensive or hard to do – a lawyer is the best person to help you through the process.


Step 9: Automate: You’ll probably find that you’re writing the same things again and again in emails or item descriptions. This is the time to give up on the manual method and turn to automated software that can create listings for you, and respond to completed auctions and payments with whatever message you provide.


Step 10: Never give up: Even when it looks like it’s all going wrong, don’t stop trying until you succeed. If you keep working at it then you’ll almost always find that you make a real breakthrough just when things are starting to look desperate.




Peter R

Network Marketing and the Art of Closing Sales and Getting Results

May 19th, 2012 No comments

Why is it that so many MLMers never get around to making an stable and recurring income you ask? First of all this type of business is called Network “Marketing”, so how many network marketers you know actually have a marketing degree? Probably none, or if you do, are those people applying what they learned in school correctly? And even if they are great marketers, do they know how to close a sale? Because in the end you cannot call yourself a network marketer if you don’t practice the art of closing a sale and have some of what MLMers call “posture power”. Marketing a product, and doing it right, be it by networking or in a store or for a big company, plays a big part in the success of your marketing campaigns, but imagine a really big company (they have the financial resources to put up a huge marketing campaign) without sales people… the sales people are the one who their job is to successfully “close the deal”, you could have the biggest and best marketing campaign ever, it could be a great success.. but without people in your organization who practice the art of “closing” your marketing campaign will be simply that.. a marketing need to have people who are talented at closing sales! Ok, but you don’t have the budget nor the resources of a big company.. well then you have to learn how to market your products AND close the sales yourself! Let’s take a look at how to do this.

I have to tell you that i have worked in sales for about 5-6 years, on the phone, in the public, in stores, and others, and i also worked in marketing for about a year or so.. so i want to share my experiences with you, and try to help you develop your organization.So now you have your marketing campaign running… of course you call your friends, family and relatives to let them know about your product, you meet new people everyday (maybe 2 or 3 people, you give them business cards and take note of their phone numbers).. that’s great.. you also have your online ads running, like adwords, blogs, forums postings, seo campaigns, ebay, froogle and others.. awesome! Now you get more leads than ever! People call you, send you e-mails and stuff.. you want to make sure now that you know how to close a sale, I’m going to give you some examples of things that might work, but you have to understand the 4 “personality types”! Because if you have no clue what type of person you’re talking to, you might end up not closing the deal, so you want luck to be on your side! Well..there’s no such thing as luck… i believe in hard work and coincidences, but you get the idea!

So here we go!


The solid type of personality doesn’t like conflicts, arguments or fights, they would like everything to be in perfect harmony. Solids won’t really cry for attention like the expressive type! They don’t demand much attention, but they are certainly worth paying attention to, because they usually have a really good sense of humor, optimism, and a really interesting way of thinking. They are usually healthy and relaxed people. They like solitude and calm, but they will join in for a good laugh. They are, i would say, the most “balanced” type of personality. They can blend really well in most situation or group, they are easygoing and also sensitive and in touch with their emotions. Their weakness would probably be their lack of enthusiasm, since they are relaxed and calm people, you will rarely see them jump up and down. When trying to close a sale, you may have a hard time figuring out if they are interested or not, so keep in mind that the solids are usually stubborn, and don’t like to change. So when you talk to them about your products/offer you absolutely have to ask them what they think (in a very subtle way), or else they won’t tell you, and you may find it hard to investigate further. So you have to ask them the right questions at the right time and you will do fine, or else they will give you information bit by bit and it can take long, very long, so by asking the right questions you will gather infos more quickly. Try to get some useful information, then propose something right away, and then narrow down your search.


Everyone notices the expressive person… try to think of a party, anniversary or gala. They are the ones who will light up the room! They are energetic and enjoy talking. They are usually fun to be around because they are dynamic and love to have fun. They are pretty easy to identify, they make the “grand entrance”, they love to be in the spotlight, the center of attention. They are optimistic and cheerful people. When trying to close a sale with the expressive type, make sure you use words and sentences like: trust me, amazing, beautiful, awesome, useful, fun! Don’t give them too much infos, you’ll loose them.. They will buy something in a heartbeat, impulsively.. so what you want to make sure is they keep buying your product month after month (passive revenues for you!), you have to be very careful not to stress them to close the sale, simply talk with them about how great your product is (don’t be over-enthousiastic tho), do it in a very “laid-back” way, don’t talk too fast, don’t rush them, but you have to come up with something that will make them go “wow”. Listen carefully to what they have to say, answer their questions, and make sure you understand exactly what they are saying! Only then you will be able to find that little thing that will make them go “wow.. I’m buying this”!


Confident, authoritative, and result-oriented! The dominant will usually cut down more work than any other type in much less time, not that they are work-a-holics, but multi-tasking come naturally to them: talking bussiness on the phone, typing a report, checking their e-mails.. all at the same time… we all do this sometimes, but the dominants do this all the time! You could say they are “driven”, and they are willing to work long and hard to go where they want to go, and they will succeed! They empower others, and are always looking for new challenges. Their social life is, of course, not the same as the expressive type.. they like to converse, but it absolutely has to be interesting, intelligent and you have to be confident about what you are saying to a dominant, because they tend to be a little “bossy” and take control. To make a sale with someone who is dominant you have to be very careful not to be too expressive! They are results-oriented, remember? so talk to them about the results they will get if they use/take your products, they want to know what it will do, how and when! They are very strict, so you have to be very precise when answering their questions…if you don’t know the answer, just tell them you don’t know (don’t make something up.. they will notice!!), but you can ask someone else (upline, coach..etc) and you will get back to them with the answer. They will like you to take the time to consult someone else to give them the right information.


“A place for everything and everything in it’s place” would describe the analytical type best. The analytical is usually someone who is intellectual looking, quiet and reserved. Someone who analyzes things, conversations, and situation without really thinking about it, or doing it on purpose, it just comes naturally to them. They are usually more interested in the spiritual side of things; spiritual values, wisdom and integrity, than the other types. The analytical type is really disciplined and loyal, and is not much of a talker. They are perfectionist and sometimes introverted. Trying to close a sale with the analytical can be difficult, they need time to think and evaluate your offer, so simply give them the information, give them time to think about it, then call them back or re-contact them, and ask them if they read or watched what you gave them, and ask them what they think, if they have objections and questions, you have to be very professional, answer their questions, and tell them you value their opinion, if your offer seems good to them, they will join, if not, they surely have more questions, so do what you can to answer all their questions, but never ever ask them to join or buy your product right away, that won’t work!

Ok, so now you know some about the basic types of personality. Of course marketing and sales are not just about knowing these! You also need good products, good marketing campaigns (try writing 4 different ads, one for each personality type) and also a solid team to help you as you build your organization (upline, coaches, mentors).

Happy marketing and sales!

Jonathan-C. Phillips

Using Selling Manager to Boost Your Ebay Home Business

January 8th, 2012 No comments

One of the wonderful things about eBay is that they offer a wide variety of different tools to help sellers generate more business. One of the more popular tools that eBay offers its sellers in the eBay Selling Manager, which is a sales management tool that can help you manage your auctions more efficiently. eBay also offers a more inclusive version of their selling tool, called Selling Manager Pro. Both of these tools do come with a low monthly fee that is added to your eBay statement, unless you run an eBay store, in which case it is free.

Deciding which version of the eBay selling tool you need can be tough. To start out, go for the basic package. You can always upgrade if you find you need to later. At the present time, the basic version is only $4.99 per month, so it won’t put a big dent in your budget. If you have a small to medium amount of sales to manage per month, this is all you need. You also get a 30 day free trial with the basic version, so if you decide it’s not right for you and your business needs, you can cancel before your trial is up and not waste any money.

The Pro version offers more tools for higher volumes of sales. If you have a large inventory to manage, the Pro version is probably a better choice for your business. At the moment, the pro version is just $14.99 per month, and it also offers a 30 days free trial. The basic Selling Manager is also free for basic store subscribers, and the Selling Manager Pro tool is available for free to those with a premium or anchored store.

Both tools have software that needs to be downloaded to be utilized. Both software programs support just about any operating system, so you shouldn’t have a problem with compatibility issues. Once the software is downloaded, your eBay selling links will automatically be replaced with your Selling Manager links, making it easy to use the selling tool with your current selling methods.

The software makes it easy to list and re-list your auctions, view scheduled listings, sold items, and closed auctions. You can track your sales, sent bulk invoices and e-mails to customers, and easily leave feedback for all of your buyers using the software. For record keeping purposes, the Selling Manager also lets you download or import your sale information to your computer or into a new Excel spreadsheet, making it easy to track your sales for tax purposes, or for your bookkeeping needs.

The Selling Manager can make boring and tedious tasks quick and easy to manage. You can keep track of your auctions with ease, and stay in contact with your buyers with the click of a button. This eBay tool makes it simple to manage your eBay home business right from your computer without needing to log into eBay, and can boost your efficiency, working like a dedicated employee for you around the clock.

Vickie Sayce

Selling On Amazon

November 7th, 2011 No comments

Most many people have heard about, participated in or bought a book through what is referred to as an Amazon most desirable seller campaign. There are some Amazon campaigns that are tremendously properly planned, when other people are lacking in most approaches.

The question in most authors thoughts is How do I come to be an Amazon most desirable seller Initially of all, you have to have a program. You do not even have to have a book at this point you just have to have to have a program.

1 of the most valuable items in your program is the date you are going to do the launch. You also have to have to program on who will be the project manager of the web based bestseller campaign you or an individual else.

There are pros and cons to each. If you do it oneself, it is going to be a lot way more expense productive. In spite of this, you have to have to make confident you have systems in location ahead of you launch your campaign. If you do not you can basically have a tremendous failure and you can let a lot of many people down by not getting systems in location.

If you program to employ an knowledgeable campaign coordinator you will probably pay thousands, and even tens of thousands of dollars for their services.

This might possibly appear like a lot of revenue, but when you look into all that is involved, it can be a marvelous way for you to come to be a bestselling author with exceptionally small perform on your portion as far as the promoting goes. Hiring an web based bestseller campaign coordinator is like hiring a PR individual.

The job of the campaign coordinator is to secure the perfect type of partners and bonuses. They have to have ongoing communication with the partners. They have to either style the webpage or have the webpage developed.

Just about every individual contracted for aspects of the campaign have to be figured into the spending budget. The campaign coordinator offers with any challenges that can take place through the arranging and implementation stages. Challenges can incorporate JV partners pulling out at the last minute, slow response time from partners, and convincing a publisher this is a viable way to sell books.

With the perfect program, vision and team you can stay clear of most of the challenges an inexperienced individual will encounter.