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Selling and Buying Transactions on Ebay!

February 4th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Buying And Selling On ebay is both great for shopping an item or selling your wares. While buying on eBay is free; sellers are charged for various services, many of which are optional. Since October of 1999, new sellers are required to keep a credit card number on file for monthly billing. Buying on eBay is simple. Find a product you like and bid on it.

Buying and selling on ebay is fun and easy and just like the commercial says you can get anything you want on ebay. For more results visit us at www.auction-professional.com. Buying on ebay is free but sellers have to pay a basic listing or ‘insertion’ fee plus a commission (starting at 5.25 percent) based on the final selling price. Buying on ebay is safer now than it ever was. A proper chargeback cannot be beaten.

Buying on Ebay is fun for both newbies, who are just getting started and seasoned Ebay buyers alike. Being new to Ebay though, you might initially find yourself losing out those auctions as a buyer, and wondering what the seasoned buyers are up-to.

If you enter your maximum bid in the first instance you can forget about the auction until it ends. However, on the downside bidding early on an item unfortunately can drive up the auction price as it shows there is an interest in the item. Bids attract bids and low prices attract bids! When potential buyers are looking through the listings, auctions that have 8 bids get more attention than auctions with 1 or none. When bidding on an item, you should bid the highest amount you are willing to pay. Ebay places the bid in increments so you may not actually have to pay the highest amount.

Bidding in the last few moments of an auction is known as ‘sniping’. This practice is frowned up by some eBayers but it is perfectly legitimate and within the rules; the highest bid always wins, no matter how late it is entered.

When buying and selling on eBay, Papal is very desirable because it allows immediate payment after an auction is complete – no waiting for money orders to arrive in the mail, no bounced checks, etc, so Papal is the most popular online currency. Papal is actually owned by eBay and allows you to pay for your item instantly with a credit card or instant transfer from your bank account. It is very easy to use and you can usually just follow the instructions from your winning email that eBay sends to you in order to get started. Papal is free to join. Your financial details are never shared with the seller and it allows you to send payment immediately.

Also Papal allows you to accept buyers’ credit card and electronic check payments online. To keep eBay a safe place for both buyers and sellers, sellers who register after January 17, 2007 are required to offer either Papal or a merchant account credit card as an accepted payment method for their items.

Everyone has stuff they can sell on ebay. But while buying on eBay is easy and pretty straight forward, selling on eBay takes a little more effort, creativity, and having some experience in marketing and auctions will take you a long way. Keep in mind, every second of every day, eBay transacts $700 in new business. You can also visit us at www.auctions-profits.com. In 2007, eBay members transacted $14.87 billion in sales in 27 international markets, including the United States.

Everyone wants to earn considerable amounts of money by merely sitting at home. Well, making money on online auction while at home can definitely become a reality. Either way, if you use common sense, buying and selling on eBay can be both fun and profitable. So go and enjoy and discover what a positive experience buying and selling on eBay can be for you.


  1. Dale R
    February 4th, 2012 at 21:51 | #1

    im buying and selling on ebay. w paypal. now i notice odd purchase transactions on my bank acct purchases?
    im noticing odd tranactions purchases for 1,95 2.00 etc. not elec withdrawals but it says purchase i never purchase anything with a debit card for thjat amount

  2. space girl
    February 5th, 2012 at 02:53 | #2

    check with the bank,
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  3. phil8656
    February 5th, 2012 at 02:55 | #3

    Happens with me too. With Paypal, when you buy something it takes the money from your balance first and if it’s not enough it then takes the rest from your bank account. For instance. You buy something for $12 dollars, you have $10 dollars in your Paypal account, so it takes the 10 plus $2 from your bank. It would simplify things if you always keep a balance in your Paypal account. That way it is easier to keep track of what is going on.
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