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How To Make Money Through Ebay Selling

January 28th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Can you make money through eBay selling? Absolutely. You can use this auction giant to generate a serious part- or full-time income just by selling products on eBay. But even if you already have a business, eBay can help you make even more money.

Why? Well, eBay had around 78 million active users in 2006, generating over $52 MILLION in sales! So all you have to do is sign up for a free eBay account and list your items… and voila! You have instant access to a massive audience that’s eager to BUY

Let’s take a look at some of the many ways you can profit through eBay selling:

*Generate qualified leads for an existing business. A well-presented listing may result in only one winning bidder – but it will be seen by many more people than those who actually make a bid.

You can take advantage of this exposure by including a link to your website from eBay About Me page (NOT from within your auction listing!). Then in your auction listing include a link to your About Me page.

*Sell off your retail floor model items and returns for extra money. Continue selling your full-price items on your web site or in a retail location while clearing out items you need to discount on eBay.

*Sell in-demand items purchased at yard sales and thrift stores. Check out eBay’s “Completed Listings” to see what’s popular, then scour local second-hand sales. You can also check out wholesalers to see if you can get these items at low cost.

*Sell collectibles found at flea markets and estate sales. eBay originally started out as the place to buy collectibles… and these items are still very much in demand.

*Resell items for a profit. You can often buy items for less on auction sites that don’t get as much traffic (like Yahoo Auctions or Amazon Auctions). Then you can resell the same items on eBay for a profit!

*Buy items offered in bulk on eBay and resell them individually. Single items sell at a higher price point than they would as part of a bulk package. So by listing these items individually, you can make a tidy profit.

*Tap into international markets. Just because there isn’t a market for something in your local area doesn’t mean that there isn’t one anywhere. With eBay, you can span geographical boundaries, so try selling these types of items worldwide.

*Make a quick buck selling “fad” items. Take advantage of passing trends. We’ve all heard those stories about people going nuts and bidding thousands of dollars on items like Beanie Babies. If you do spot a trend, you’ll have to be speedy if you want to take advantage of it, though. These trends tend to go as fast as they arrived!

As you can see, there are a ton of ways you can make money selling products on eBay. For more hot eBay selling tips, check out http://www.AuctionTips.com.

Iprwire Staff Writer

  1. Ben Jam In
    January 28th, 2012 at 13:38 | #1

    How do you make money on amazon or ebay through your own website?
    I need to know how I could make money through amazon or ebay on my own website like a middle man, even if these are not my products or items I am selling. I see many people do this often. Please get back to me on this.

    Thanks, BenJamIn

  2. brettbogo
    January 28th, 2012 at 18:40 | #2

    I copy and pasted the links you need from amazon and ebay below:



    Please read what they say on their respective pages and that should help you set up the links you need on your site. What you are trying to do is called affiliate marketing. Not sure what your site is based on so make sure that what you are selling from ebay and amazon matches what your website is based upon for the desired results of earning commissions from ebay and amazon. Also try to build an email list so you can send information about your niche through email and have your customers come back to your site or click on links directly from your email pertaining to your particular niche. Once they trust you they will come back to you as long as the products you recommend are of a high quality. If you treat them right by recommending products you believe in personally, you may have a customer for life whom buys from your affiliate links over and over again.
    References :
    I read and learned about affiliate marketing from the book under the same category on the page below:

  3. Julia
    January 28th, 2012 at 18:42 | #3

    this website, earns you points in which you return spend on amazon (recently bought a xbox 360) for discounted amounts. you have to complete these offers like filling out surveys for companies etc. and theyll pay you like 50 cents each time and it adds up REALLY fast. check it out:
    References :

  4. Matt J
    January 28th, 2012 at 18:44 | #4

    Hey i can totaly help you out just watch this
    then just follow intructions and i can get it to you
    References :

  5. enemy62301
    January 28th, 2012 at 18:46 | #5

    Sounds to me like you want to open an eBay Store. You can put links to it on your site, to send some traffic to your site from Ebay, or visa versa 🙂 Read this:

    Getting started with eBay Stores

    It may point you the right direction.

    Good luck!
    References :

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