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march Ebay sells are slow….?

January 31st, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Is anyone else ebay sales are very slow during march?

Well the first two weeks of march my sells were selling normal.

Now my sells are so slow 🙁

that is right sales are going down,i know it happens i do sell clothes and this week was really slow and this one comming looks too slow too
june and july are dead months for my businnes
i do sell clothes and camera equipment and sales are terrible not just for me but many of my friends this last 2 weeks of march

  1. margie k
    January 31st, 2012 at 07:58 | #1

    It just depends on what you are selling, no other reason – time of year etc. have little impact on ebay sales. Holidays can be hectic but not necessarily, again it depends on what you are selling. As an example, I used to sell new items and Christmas season was murder. But no longer do so, and the season is now just normal volume. So just relax, it happens.
    References :
    ebay top rated power seller

  2. fledermmaus
    January 31st, 2012 at 08:46 | #2

    that is right sales are going down,i know it happens i do sell clothes and this week was really slow and this one comming looks too slow too
    june and july are dead months for my businnes
    i do sell clothes and camera equipment and sales are terrible not just for me but many of my friends this last 2 weeks of march
    References :

  3. julia
    March 7th, 2012 at 12:58 | #3

    so slow for me I haven’t sold anything for 5 days last sale was on March,02 I usually sell about 2-3 items a day and Im also a top rated seller. Im so dissappointed because its my main income. Im just a teenager, but it really helps out hope it picks up soon.

  4. March 18th, 2012 at 07:06 | #4

    Its the same with me. I sell clothing and clubwear but it just slowed down since last week. It was pretty good before than. I think its just a normal lull in ebay sales especially for clothing during this month.

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