5 Rules for Saving Money at the Grocery Store
There are lots of ways to save money, and any method you can add to your money-saving toolbox will help you better achieve your financial goals. Whether it’s putting more money towards retirement, a college fund, a down payment on a home or automobile or that vacation you’ve been dreaming about, reaching your financial goals requires that you make wise financial choices. In other words, reaching financial goals requires you to be frugal.
As humans, we need to eat and grocery shopping typically occupies a big chunk of our budget. This is even truer for larger families or families with special dietary needs. However, you can significantly reduce your grocery bill by employing five basic rules to your grocery shopping tasks:
1. Always shop with a list
2. Plan your meals
3. Buy store brands or generics when available
4. Use the store’s loyalty card
5. Use coupons for additional savings
Always shop with a list
Shopping with a list is vital. While we allocate a certain amount for groceries each week in our monthly budgets (you do budget, don’t you?), we should further regulate food spending by always using a list during our grocery store excursions. A grocery shopping list is a natural extension of the monthly budget. This list is your grocery spending plan just as your budget is your overall household spending plan. It helps you see where you can cut costs, helps you stay on track with your financial goals and helps to curb costly impulse buying.
Plan your meals
A good grocery list will follow a weekly menu plan. Buy items that you can reuse in different dishes and work with your family so everyone agrees on the meals of the week. Schedule dinner so that everyone eats together and make it a habit to save leftovers that will make delicious weekend lunches. Developing your grocery list around a meal plan will also help you avoid dining out, which can be unhealthy as well as expensive.
Buy store brands or generics and use the store’s loyalty card
Buying grocery store brand products will save you money — lots of money. Industry sales research cited by the Private Label Manufacturers Association (PLMA) shows that American shoppers save about $15.8 billion annually by choosing store brands over name brands. To test this theory, your trusty writer ventured into a local grocery store with pen and legal pad, walked the various isles and documented actual price differences for 20 common grocery items: aspirin, acetametaphin, ibuprofen, green beans, sweet corn, ketchup, mayonnaise, mixed fruit, sugar, condensed milk, cornflakes, raisin bran, facial tissue, whipped cream, ice cream, chocolate milk, graham crackers, cream cheese, eggs and peanut butter.
Including savings from using the store’s loyalty card (another must-have money-saving tool), I calculated a savings of between 13 and 68 percent with an average 42 percent savings. If I purchased all items from name brand manufacturers, I would have paid $74.41. Foregoing the lure of buying brand name items, the total came to $43.45 – a $30.96 savings for 20 items (an average of over $1.50 per item) just for buying store brands and using my store loyalty card.
The difference in prices is what the PLMA calls the “marketing tax” which you pay so name brand manufacturers can promote their products through advertising and other means. However, many store brand items are produced by the same manufacturers that make competing name brand items. You can save a lot of money by choosing to not pay this “marketing tax” and keep that money where it belongs – in your pocket!
Use coupons for additional savings
In addition to store brand and loyalty card savings, you should make the most of your grocery shopping dollars by cutting, organizing and using coupons (check your Sunday newspaper). Coupons are a marketing gimmick, so don’t buy items you do not need just so you can save a little on the purchase. In reality, that’s a waste of money. Use coupons to save money on items you need and use. Try a different brand if a coupon from that competitor can save you money – even if it’s only a few cents because every penny adds up at the checkout counter. Cut and organize coupons on the same day you plan your next week’s meal menu so you can maximize your savings by planning dishes around coupons.
Don’t limit your coupon clipping to your Sunday newspaper. Try coupon websites, like CoolSavings.com. One website, CouponBar.com, even offers a toolbar you can add to your web browser. You can even find people selling sets of coupons on eBay.com.
While it may seem like a lot of planning, the savings add up. Depending on your current grocery shopping habits, you may be able to cut your weekly grocery bill in half – or even more! The key to this strategy, as with any budgeting strategy, is to develop your plan and then stick to it. Once these five frugal habits become a part of your routine, you’ll thank yourself for all the initial efforts you made to develop these valuable money-saving skills.
John Janney
Boyfriend and my life? What should I do? Long!?
I understand that know one can tell me what to do. I just need some opinions and experienced answers.
Right now I live with my boyfriend, his mother and our three kids. Currently I am a stay at home mom while being supported through my boyfriend and his mom. Yes my boyfriend is the father of my kids.
Doctors have been telling me that my panic attacks come from my depression I have had for 2 and a half years, though I always denied it. But now, I’m starting to believe it. I am not happy.
In five years, my boyfriend has cheated on me four times, and has tried to cheat on my several other times. He constantly lies to me. He’ll get off work at 12:00 (usual hours would be till 3:00), but he’ll go of somewhere and tell me he got off his usual time. Of course it’s easy for me to find out. So I get mad at him. He apologizes and says he wont do it again, but then he does it again. This argument happens every week.
My boyfriend smokes pot. I hate that he does it. Especially now since we have kids. His attitude when he smokes it is terrible. Not that he gets angry or anything, but it’s like his brain turns totally blank. If ANYTHING happened to the kids, he would just sit there and stare into space, not even clicking that something is wrong. It’s that bad. So we supposedly agreed that he only smokes it saturday nights. But he’ll come home stoned after work (He works Mon.-Fri.),, claiming his just tired, but I am not stupid. I know. Eventually he tells the truth knowing he can’t get away with it. This conversation also pops up every week.
Two nights ago, I had just found out that he got off work early and went to go see a friend of his that was girl. Now I am not sure that he tried anything with her, but reading some of their text messages, it wouldn’t supprise me. Ever since the first time he cheated on him, I have not been able to trust him and I always think the worst. I just can’t help it.
Living with his mother wouldn’t be so bad if it was under my roof. But we live in her house. I have no rules of my own here that I would naturally set up in my own home. Like no drinking till my kids go to bed. (I don;t drink, but people will say anything and do anything when drunk while the kids are there or not). Not only that, I DO NOT agree to spanking kids. All you other parents can do as you please, but I disagree with it, so do not comment on my choice of discipline. Anyway, she spanks them. After I have had this conversation with her, she told me that it doesn’t do any harm, and that she is the grandmother so she has a right. This is so wrong. I hate it here.
But I have a few choices under my belt .1. I can stay living here. Doing what I do now, and continue to regret the path my life is travelling.
2. My mother in law says no matter what I choose, or what happens between her son and I, she will support me. She is willing to continue financial support while I stay here for three years. I have about a year of upgrading to do, then 2 years of university to become a radiologist. This has been my dream for years.
Or 3. I can put my kids in daycare, get a lousy job at walmart or some other grocery store, save money and move into a cheap cramped place, and struggle financially the rest of my life. (Or maybe not. I do have my grade 12, and there are jobs willing to pay top dollar for that type of educated person). "MAYBE".
But those are my choices. I have to be honest. I am scared. My past life has really effected some of those choices. Like being picked on my whole school life. My step father being abusive. But not just the past effects me, so does the future. I am afraid to do all of this alone. I guess that’s why I have stayed with my boyfriend for so long, even though he does cheat, and cares less of my feelings. I am scared of being poor with no money to support my children.
I don’t know what I should do. Should I leave now, for the sake of me? Should I stay for the sake of my kids? Should I suck it up and stay for three more years and go to school? In the long run would I be better off?
What do you guys think? I take criticism pretty well, but make it polite please. I need to figure this out. What would you do in my situation?
> In five years, my boyfriend has cheated on me four times, and has
> tried to cheat on my several other times. He constantly lies to me.
Only one answer possible: don’t spoil your life. If you can, move out and find another boyfriend.
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