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How To Make Real Money On Ebay

How many times have you heard this line? Unfortunately there are hundreds of people selling the “best” ways to make a ton of money on eBay. The truth is you can make a lot of money on eBay. There is not some secret formula or one way to do it.

In this article I will offer tips that could help your eBay selling. I believe the single most important thing you can do is to sell something you know. If you have a hobby or job that is related to your items, you would be very knowledgeable about your product and reduce research time.

If you do not have a hobby or job that is related to anything you can sell, do a search with the completed auction listings in the categories that are of interest to you and see how these things are doing. You can also check the Hot List on eBay that will give you a break down of the hot selling items.

Research articles on auction forums or auction information websites. There is a wealth of information out there that is free.
Check out the forums that are on eBay. These can give you information just by reading what other sellers are talking about.

If possible, try to find a niche product. An example of this is Ham Radio. I hold an advanced class amateur radio license. The United States Federal Government issues this. I got out of the hobby and decided to sell my radios. I sold every radio with no problems. Amateur Radio Operators (hams) are a specific group, looking for specific items. This makes selling so much easier.

Once you find the item(s) that are right for you concentrate on customer service. Make sure that all the items you ship are properly protected with bubble wrap or styrofoam spacers. I do not like packing peanuts because they are messy for the customer. Do not use newspaper for packing material. It does not work that well and just looks bad.

Once you have your item packed properly make sure you ship it promptly. Customers will appreciate this and remember you. Communication with the customer is very important. As soon as you can contact your paying customer and let them know exactly when you are sending the item (you should indicate this in your auction.) After you send the item contact them again and tell them it is on the way. Little things like this can give you repeat customers.

So where is the real money? The real money is in supply and demand. If you have something that is in demand it will sell. If you don’t it won’t. I know this is basic business, but it seems a lot of people have lost site of this for the quick, easy buck. Long lasting sales don’t happen over night. Market saturation also plays a big role.

The best approach to make “real money” on eBay breaks down like this: Know your product, research it and its sellers on eBay (how many, how much), use the recourses I listed above. There are reels of information on selling and buying on eBay on auction information websites, make your customers happy (good shipping, communication)

Knowledge is power. This is your greatest tool.

Shawn Sellen

  1. prettybrneye21
    May 25th, 2012 at 22:11 | #1

    Can anyone make real money with ebay?
    I want to know is that whole make $2500 a month seeling on ebay a scam? I also want to know do I have to sell my own stuff, because I have nothing to sell. And do you really need no money to get started..I want to hear some success stories…Please can someone tell me the truth about selling on ebay…

  2. legallybrunette91
    May 26th, 2012 at 03:13 | #2

    Ehh…Ebay has its ups and downs. Whenever I used to sell on there, id buy items on clearance,then sell them.Not just random items though, find something people actually want! That may not always work though.Last year I went to Marshalls and bought three pairs of genuine pink uggs for $22.00 a piece. The listing fees cost me around 10 bucks for a decent looking page. Then i didnt end up selling them! So you just need to research some good items. You can search completed listings to see what past items sold for.Good luck!
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  3. justweird_sodeal
    May 26th, 2012 at 03:15 | #3

    I know someone that uses Ebay as income. They will post items they see for sell elsewhere and becme a broker for the item. So they are acting as a middle man on many things they sell on Ebay.
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  4. Lost in MD
    May 26th, 2012 at 03:17 | #4

    I have lots of stuff to sell on ebay. I can’t answer your question, but I would like to know this answer myself.
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  5. Jennifer D
    May 26th, 2012 at 03:19 | #5

    My husband makes a lot of money selling on Ebay. He sells electronics on the Ebay UK site and it does well for him.

    However, he needs to spend large amounts to get inventory. As an example, he recently bought 10 video Ipods. During Christmas he bought more then 50 game systems (PS3, Nintendo WII, etc.)

    He does well with this but he also deals with exporting and everything that goes with that. I stay out of it.
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  6. Pierre S
    May 26th, 2012 at 03:21 | #6

    Hi Ms. Pretty,

    I will try to answer based on my own experience as a frequent Ebay seller as well as some friends who lost big amounts of money trying to make their whole income based on scam like TV infomercials about becoming an Ebay seller…

    1. Ebay CANNOT be your sole source of income:

    Do not even think about it. Remember that there will be awesome months when every inventory will sell at a good price, but also some very tough months during which you will waste your time trying to auction a good nobody wants…

    So if you depend on this system to eat, pay your rent and sustain loved ones, living on Ebay alone is a plan to commit suicide, plain and simple.

    2. You need SOLID Marketing / Selling / Auctioning Experience:

    Never believe this mother of 4 on TV telling you she started knowing nothing of computers and is now a power seller… The person you see on the screen is probably an accomplished salesperson.

    To start with, you need to make your offers attractive (coding HTML, taking good photos, chosing a good title…), this is much more difficult and time consuming than what you might think.

    And then when the questions like "I can pay cash tomorrow at your apartment if you stop the auction now and promise to sell to me, is it ok?" come up, you have to know who is sincere, who is trying to scam you, who is dangerous, etc.

    3. Do Your MATHS again and again and again:

    Bear in mind that before you actually sell anything, you need to pay: the Ebay selling fees, the wrapping material and packing boxes to ship, the time and effort you will spend on selling (remember that during the auction you will receive a lot of questions by email from interested buyers, night and day; so I hope you like typing!).

    And the biggest of all, especially for you, The Starting INVENTORY: Imagine you buy tons of goods that actually don’t sell well, this is a loss for you…

    CONCLUSION: Ebay selling is tempting, but I STRONGLY suggest you to consider it a fun way to get pocket money from time to time, nothing more.

    If you are still determined to get into it, prepare as a professional:
    – Research similar products to put a perfect, attractive price.
    – Make sure your product is in demand by checking other auctions.
    – Start by selling small stuff, and grow with high tech, jewelry, and why not cars and houses!
    – Put YOUR conditions to the auction (the buyer pays the whole money before shipping, etc.)
    – Always do your job right (ship on time, be polite…), this will give you excellent reviews that future buyers will rely upon to trust you instead of another seller.

    I hope this helps you, Good Luck !

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  7. eBay Powerseller
    May 26th, 2012 at 03:23 | #7

    Hi – I sell on eBay. I profit about $3,500 a month. eBay has been my full time job for 4 years, and I have sold over 12,000 items. I also teach eBay classes. eBay is real, and it works.

    I find items at second hand stores, garage sales, clearance sales, estate sales, and consignment stores to resell on eBay. Some of the items are used, some are new. You can start by selling items you already have, and learn the process and decide if eBay is for you.

    Do you have a skill that’s in demand? I know people who sell services like web design or graphic design. Other people sell handmade items like jewelry, customized baby items, or craft items. There are many ways to earn a living on ebay, either part-time or full-time.

    Please email me directly at elizabethwells815@yahoo.com if I can answer any specific questions.

    Here are some excellent information resources to help you get started on eBay:

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