Ebay Selling Tips & Suggestions for Success
If you are a successful eBay seller this article may not be too helpful, but if you are just starting our or are struggling then you should find a lot of help here. Done right eBay is where a person can make fairly easy money, but done wrong you’ll just spin your wheels. There are a number of common sense things you need to know about eBay selling that will help your business become successful. Learn and apply these to start making money, then you can begin to delve deeper into the way to becoming a Power Seller.
Almost every eBay buyer has heard about eBay scams. You must assure the buyer he or she is dealing with a legitimate eBay seller who isn’t trying to rip them off. Listed below are a number of ways to make the buyer feel comfortable doing business with you.
The first thing you need to be a success is to have good feedback. If you’re just starting out you may have to buy and sell a number of items to boost your feedback before you can get real serious about being a successful eBay seller. Another good way to make a good impression is to have an “About Me” page. Here’s where you will introduce yourself with some information about you and your eBay business. The more professional your “About Me” page is, the more your potential customers will want to do business with you.
Now that the eBay buyer feels you’re someone they want to buy from, you have to make sure your product is the one they buy. Often there will be dozens of the same product competing with you, so even though they would like to buy yours the price of your product has to be competitive or they may not buy. Before you price your product be sure it allows you to make a fair profit while still being reasonable. If you follow these tips you may be able to price your product a little higher and still make sales.
One of the most important parts of your sales listing is to post excellent pictures. You normally get one free picture and can put on extra ones for an additional fee. You should put on as many extra pictures as it takes to fully show your product in its best possible light for increased sales. Make sure you have close up pictures of the more important features of your product. One way you can beat the fees is to look into a free photo share site like PhotoBucket where you can put pictures on eBay for free. Good pictures are a must for maximum sales.
Equally important is an accurate description on your sales items. Make sure there are no spelling errors as this is probably one of the main reasons a product doesn’t sell. Fully describe the features and condition of each item. Tell a story about your eBay sales items. Any time you’re selling more than one item in a lot be sure you list and describe each item. Your eBay buyer needs to know exactly what they will be getting, but if you give them something extra, gift wrap the item or something similar the chances are greater that they will remember and want to do more business with you.
The way eBay buyers can pay for your item may have an important impact on how well your eBay items sell. While the most important one you use will be PayPal you should also accept any others you feel comfortable with. Many buyers like PayPal because they don’t have to give out their credit card number. You can also take money orders, cashier checks or personal checks, but make sure personal checks clear before you send the merchandise.
Another thing that many people don’t think about is having a return policy. Without one you will probably lose some sales so make sure whatever you decide is clearly spelled out in your ad so there won’t be a problem down the road.
Your ad should also be clear about shipping costs. You should try and keep these costs as low as possible. I’ve passed on purchases when I felt the seller was charging too much for shipping.
Email is an area where many sellers fail to do well. When you get an email requesting more information on your eBay sales item answer it as soon as possible. Many times a buyer will get tired of waiting for your reply and buy from someone who did reply right away. I’m always surprised when a seller either doesn’t answer my email or takes several days when time is usually important.
The most important tip for eBay sellers is to step into a buyer’s shoes and ask yourself whether you would buy the product you have listed. Be honest with your answer and if it’s not an emphatic yes, then you need to follow these tips and suggestions to the letter.
Start using all the above eBay seller tips and suggestions to see your sales start increasing immediately. If you’re just starting as an eBay seller use them to get started the right and most profitable way.
Don Levy
Best/Cheapest way to sell collectibles…?
I have numerous collectibles that I’d like to sell (a wide variety of things that I’ve had since I was a kid).
I refuse to sell on eBay again. The listing fees on eBay are relatively high and there’s a lot of scamming going on with eBay these days.
I was thinking of holding a yard sale but I’m concerned that I won’t attract the right sort of people – I won’t be able to move these items for a decent price.
I’ve also considered CraigsList (with the same concerns as the yard sale). Then I found sell.com but I’m weary of the success rate.
I need a method that doesn’t charge much by way of advertising/sellers fees.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to HOW I should go about selling collectible items? (eBay is NOT an option)
Should I try selling online? Which site should I use?
If I have a yardsale, how do I attract the buyers interested in collectibles?
Any tips would be appreciated – Thanks.
Mostly Barbies and resin Boyds Bears.
I haven’t gone through the boxes since we’ve moved…There are so many that they’ve taken up my spare bedroom =P
I just found out that Yahoo Auctions is now FREE!
I am going to try that first and if all else fails I will try a yardsale/fleamarket booth.
You guys are great! Thanks for the info!
Make a simple web page and list them.
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Maybe if you would tell US what sort of collectibles you have some of us might just buy them from you!!!!! Got any kewpies or prescious moments? lol
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Well, you were right about Craigslist…it is the best way to go because it is free! I wouldn’t be concerned. Just advertise your Yard Sale on Craigslist and good luck!
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have you heard of a flea market. You could set up a table locally and sell for your asking price. When it comes to advertising put it in the newspaper about what you have and let them know where you will be. good luck
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i made 3 thousand on stuffed animals there
well you should know some tips about selling
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read the sales tips and articles this will help you-free useful articles and tips on almost any topic-http://www.free-articles.blogspot.com
Have a yard sale and advertise in your local paper what you have to offer. And, of course, "not responsible for accidents".
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yahoo auction?
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ebay. If the items you want to sell are that collectible, make certain you include the listing fees in your shipping and handling charges. You should also set a minimum amount. DON’T USE that stupid reserve amount.
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