Home > ebay sales tips > Auction not selling anymore on my store at eBay, how do i increase sales? is it possible to enlarge its size?

Auction not selling anymore on my store at eBay, how do i increase sales? is it possible to enlarge its size?

When i first started selling at auction on my eBay store, i made god sales. Now i have not had sales for a while. I did not change much to affect the market and the goods are still the same. I sell alot of imports from Africa and am thinking of adding other marchendise but am not sure yet. I have the inventory but thought of sterting a difrrent store but am alowed only one on eBay, should i try yahoo auctions?. Am desperate and looking for anyone with a solutin or tips or any way to help, i will post a few links here to help get to my page. Please help. Size enlargement.

Competition may be why your sales have dropped. Also the time of year?

Check the key words you are using. If there is a way to check the most popular selling items on ebay – check that out to see if any terms of those are similar to items you sell.

Also – look for similar items to yours and see how much they are selling for.

Good luck!

  1. m
    June 10th, 2012 at 07:25 | #1

    Hi there

    Id suggest there are afew areas you should consider ..

    1. Research – ask your target customers if they find your offers appealing and if not why not? You need to know if your problem is competition, lack if attractive products, lack of awareness or numerous other possible issues

    2. Create new offers to tackle the issues identified for example if you products are overpriced think about offering promotional pricing – if the appeal is limited try to widen your range – use images and copy to bring the sites to life

    3. Advertise – you need to fidn out where your customers and then grab their attention – there are lots of ways for small companies to do this at low cost

    You can see more ideas in all these areas on my website at http://www.opendoors-newbusiness.co.uk

    Let me know if you need more advice!
    Good luck!
    References :

  2. shredderb
    June 10th, 2012 at 08:09 | #2

    Competition may be why your sales have dropped. Also the time of year?

    Check the key words you are using. If there is a way to check the most popular selling items on ebay – check that out to see if any terms of those are similar to items you sell.

    Also – look for similar items to yours and see how much they are selling for.

    Good luck!
    References :

  3. google_market_expert
    June 10th, 2012 at 08:53 | #3

    Hi, perhaps you can try Google adwords to market your service/product.

    Google adwords is a text-based system for advertising on its site and its partner sites. The service allows you to create your own ads, choose keywords to help match your ads to your audience, and control the cost of your advertising—you pay only when people click on your ad (a cost per click plan). Anyone wishing to promote a product on Google can enroll in this program.

    you can get a 5 detail pages information about Google adwords at :


    Good Luck && Best Wishes!
    References :

  4. jacob2
    June 10th, 2012 at 09:06 | #4

    I don’t know if this will help but I know that there is an Auction Site that is new but there giving good offers just for you to PRE-REGISTER I recommend this site I PRE-REGISTERED and got a XBOX 360 TRY IT VERY GOOD SITE OFFERS!!!!!!!!!!! They are the only Auction Site to let you Buy and Sell for free!!!!!!!!!!!!
    References :

  5. Big Pimp
    June 10th, 2012 at 09:21 | #5

    Yeah that BetterLaneAuction Auction Site does give good offers I PRE-REGISTERED two and got a PSP TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    References :

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