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Techniques to Build a List Using the Power of Ebay

Discover the simple techniques to build a list using only the power of eBay.
Just two or three years ago, eBay was an absolute goldmine when it came to selling eBooks. It wasn’t hard to find a few eBooks and resell them for $10, $20 or even up to $50. But now everything has changed.

It’s virtually impossible now to find an eBook on the internet and resell it on eBay for the prices stated above. Sure, for more help visit to: www.37-list-building-secrets.com. you can sell them for $1, maybe $2 but with eBay’s ever increasing rising of sellers’ fees, there’s little profit to be made doing that.

Competition on eBay is fierce and it shows no sign of letting up. Selling higher priced eBooks is no longer an option (unless you write them yourself) and eBay should now be used as a ‘stepping stone’ for other online business ventures.
While the eBay market place may be more competitive than ever, there are also more buyers than ever before. The only problem is, these buyers are looking for cheap and free eBooks and that’s what you need to provide. For more detail go to: www.build-own-list.com. Once they’ve bought these niche eBooks for $1 or $2, you hit them with the following steps so that you can squeeze more money from them initially and also turn them into a customer for life who constantly pumps cash into your bank account.

“Use eBay to generate paying customers to your other online businesses”

The above statement is probably the most important you’ll read in regards to eBay selling. The money is no longer on eBay when it comes to eBooks but instead you should:

Build a list – No matter what internet marketer you ask, I guarantee you that they would say “the money’s in the list”. It is often said that every subscriber on your list is worth approximately $1 per month; however in some niches could be worth hundreds of dollars per year if you build your list in the right way and treat them right.

If you have a list you can also generate affiliate revenue by broadcasting an email to your list promoting a similar product. You can also generate ad sense revenue by posting an article on your website and sending all of your subscribers to the article. You can also promote higher priced resale rights products and even better, you could write your own eBooks and be guaranteed sales because you can always market to your list.
Do all of the above and you could turn a $1 eBay eBook sale into a $200 per year or more paying customer? The money really is in the list and eBay is the best place to start building.


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