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How Can I Use My Website in Conjunction With Ebay?

January 24th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Smithson

You might already know that eBay does not allow the direct promotion of websites within auctions, but did you know there are ways to promote your website on eBay without violating any of their terms of service so that you can directly benefit from the millions of visitors they bring to the table?

First of all, you can put practically anything you want on your ‘About Me’ page. eBay allows you to advertise almost anything there, as long as it isn’t illegal. This is a wonderful starting point for you to add links to your website, and direct any visitors who view your ‘About Me’ page to your main web site, or any other web site you might want them to see.

Another place where you may freely add links to your site is on an eBay blog. Many people are not even aware of the eBay blog feature that lets you host a blog right on the eBay site. You can put almost anything you want on the blog too – including a link to your site. This gives you an instant back-link from a domain with huge authority. As of right now, there are no ‘nofollow’ attributes on links there, so it’s a great place to get a back-link.

You can also promote your site through your auctions by advertising your site within your products themselves. If you’re selling info products like eBooks or videos, you can provide the URL of your website within the product itself.

If you are shipping actual goods, you can include your URL on a ‘thank you’ card inside the package. If you have an e-commerce website that sells related products, you can send your buyers to your site to buy related merchandise, instead of having them buy through eBay. This will stop you from having to pay the eBay fees for those purchases.

You can include your URL in every email you send out to winning bidders, and to those who ask you questions about items. You should consider setting your email signature to include the URL to your site so that you’ll never forget to give it a plug.

Another common tactic is to watermark photos with your URL. If you’re listing a product on eBay, you’ll most likely be including at least one photo of the item. You can put your URL on that photo, so people who view the auction will see the URL, and might visit your site and purchase there instead. This is another way to avoid some of your eBay fees. You might even get lucky and have several visitors come to your site and purchase from a single auction listing, which means increased revenues and a substantial saving on eBay fees as you won’t have to pay anything on the sales that come directly through your site.

One final point is that it’s worth remembering that not everyone likes buying from auction sites. Many people prefer to buy direct from the seller, and by using the above techniques you give people a chance to do exactly that. Of course, you will still be paying fees on any sales made through eBay, which is only fair, but by using the above techniques you can help generate additional business on every single listing.

Paul Smithson

  1. Ardley
    January 24th, 2012 at 22:26 | #1

    HELP: university personal statement, is it good enough? (updated)?
    (((( here is the link for my old question if you feel the neeed to read both..


    constructive critisism NEEDED!! 😀 )))))

    I currently have three major interests in my life; computers, maths and music, and I feel that the combination of these three bring all their own strengths and creativity. I engage wholeheartedly in these areas both in my school courses and out of school, bringing great knowledge of all three to my skills. I hope to carry them on into the course I will choose and the extra-curricular opportunities at university.

    Computers have been a key part of my life from a very young age and have a wide knowledge of the use and construction of PC’s. Since the age of 4, I have been regularly using computers, and extensively building my own from the age of 10. Website design has also captured my imagination through the pure creativity of being able to create anything and being viewed by millions from around the world. Using the self trained knowledge of PHP and HTML, I have created numerous websites such as online ecommerce stores, online game clan websites, blogs and image gallery scripts, Bringing in over 100,000 hits a month. I have been extremely successful in this field and this understanding brings a defined logical pattern and structure. With a wide knowledge of computers and the works in conjunction with my interest in mathematics brings great capabilities of understanding the wide use of mathematics within computer sciences. I have always been attracted by the world of mathematics, always wanting to solve problems. Having studied pure maths and applied maths I can comprehend the intricate use and the ‘real world’ use of mathematics. I am intrigued by the theory of ‘imaginary numbers’ and have looked into this idea within my spare time.

    Another significant aspect of my life has been music. At the age of 7 I took up playing trumpet and played in many bands, having played advanced pieces such as “William tell”, Tchaikovsky’s “1812 overture” and many solos and performances , I ultimately graduated to first trumpet within a few years. This shows my ability to be incredibly eager to learn and take the lead role in many situations. I can now play grade 8 piece of music with ease. 9 years later I took up playing piano, self taught, and becoming an advanced player in a short space of time, showing I have self-motivation and determination. Having a direct inspiration from my love of classical music, this brings a unique style to my music, and I take great pride in writing and composing my own music. And have been asked on many occasions to have a professional recording, showing my talent and ability to learn quickly and efficiently.

    Along side computers mathematics and music, there is an extensive entrepreneurial side to me, using my familiarity of computers and internet running and controlling several successful online businesses. My main occupation has been a self-employed eBay business selling antique stamps to around the world, also controlling successful ecommerce websites, which in total brings a comfortable and stable income for me. This shows that I have natural ability for organization and responsibility.

    Other hobbies I take part include stamp collection which I have been involved in for over 10 years. Sailing has also been with me from a very young age, I have participated in a few races in the local sailing club, and this taught me to appreciate the evident need for teamwork. I also keep fit by running 4 miles a week; I feel that keeping fit is a very important for ones physical and mental health. I have volunteered for local charity shops giving me valuable experience in the work place.
    From the course I chose to complete at university I will hope to expand my knowledge on the skills I have already learnt and anticipate to learn many additional skills in the process. I also hope to carry on my extra-curricular studies, and bring great member to any team.

  2. hairhorn
    January 25th, 2012 at 03:28 | #2

    "Alongside" is one word

    You didn’t do complex numbers in high school? Maybe I’m from a different era.
    References :

  3. Fifibabyx
    January 25th, 2012 at 03:30 | #3

    It looks really good, it’s VERY long though.
    I could give you a little more constructive criticizm if i knew what course you were applying for?
    References :

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