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is there a better day to start an auction on ebay?

I have been selling our squeaky 2 shoes on ebay for along time. I have hardly any bids on my stuff right now. Does anyone think there is a better day to start an auction, like a certain day to start Monday versus Saturday, or is it all the same. sometimes i do great and have tons of bids and sales, but right now, so slow. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
ok thanks, is there a best time in the day to end?

You’re working backwards. You want to concentrate on when the auction ends, not begins. This is because Ebay shows auctions that are closing the soonest before auctions ending later. So you want your auction to end when the most people are on the site. I found this was typically Saturday or Sunday.

  1. shoredude2
    May 13th, 2012 at 18:15 | #1

    You’re working backwards. You want to concentrate on when the auction ends, not begins. This is because Ebay shows auctions that are closing the soonest before auctions ending later. So you want your auction to end when the most people are on the site. I found this was typically Saturday or Sunday.
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