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I Sell Costume Jewellery On Ebay Are My Prices Too High?

February 4th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

What Am i doing wrong i sell costume jewellery on ebay which i think is a nice mix and im thinking of doing it full time and opening an ebay shop but im put of by slow sales i dont make a big profit as i beleive being greedy puts people off do you think i have the right mix and what do you think of my prices and postage please let me know as i am left scratching my head as there are shops on ebay selling the same items over £5.00 dearer in some cases. Have a look and see what you think im called shellynrichy. Thanks Shelly 27 year old stress headed female.

I had a very similar problem. I opened a shop selling lovely costume jewellery, girly accessories etc and made it look professional, but sales were so slow and the costs were so high I gave up and I’ve got loads of stuff stored in my bedroom now! (will probably try again soon but it’s a lot of hassle as you’ll agree). I’m not saying you should give up but ebay is such a huge marketplace now and there is so much competition I just think that is the main problem. I personally don’t see anything wrong with what you are selling but it depends on who’s looking for what and is a matter of luck. If you go to a shopping centre you have Claires and Accessorize or whatever but ebay has lots of shops selling costume jewellery. You say other people have sold the same jewellery for £5 dearer – maybe they were one-offs who knows but have you thought about changing your name (if you can) to something catchier relating to what you are selling? I wouldn’t recommend opening a shop yet until you see how things go for a bit longer as I ended up worse off. What about carboot sales? Good luck!

  1. tonyflair2002
    February 5th, 2012 at 04:10 | #1

    Costume jewellery is everywhere and is very CHEAP.
    Your prices can be beaten. Where do you buy from ?
    The best wholesalers are CITY ARCADE.

    Try to concentrate on more Up Market Jewellery at a reasonable price. There is a demand for QUALITY JEWELS. City Arcade specialise in Retail Marked items. For example, Ladies and Gents watches. Retail £99.
    You can buy at £8. There are lots of items like this.

    Make sure you have a good presentation. Remember E Bay is your SHOP WINDOW. Dress it well. Good luck.
    References :
    Retail marketing career.

  2. oohbetty
    February 5th, 2012 at 05:00 | #2

    I had a very similar problem. I opened a shop selling lovely costume jewellery, girly accessories etc and made it look professional, but sales were so slow and the costs were so high I gave up and I’ve got loads of stuff stored in my bedroom now! (will probably try again soon but it’s a lot of hassle as you’ll agree). I’m not saying you should give up but ebay is such a huge marketplace now and there is so much competition I just think that is the main problem. I personally don’t see anything wrong with what you are selling but it depends on who’s looking for what and is a matter of luck. If you go to a shopping centre you have Claires and Accessorize or whatever but ebay has lots of shops selling costume jewellery. You say other people have sold the same jewellery for £5 dearer – maybe they were one-offs who knows but have you thought about changing your name (if you can) to something catchier relating to what you are selling? I wouldn’t recommend opening a shop yet until you see how things go for a bit longer as I ended up worse off. What about carboot sales? Good luck!
    References :

  3. Montgomery B
    February 5th, 2012 at 05:48 | #3

    I have been dealing with e bay for a few years now. It was OK at one time but since being taken over it seems to have got worse.
    That includes paypal as well, ebay own paypal.
    I had a quiet month last month and only took in £90 but paypal and ebay charged me £14 for their services.
    On one product alone, costing only £15 they stopped 98p out of my profit and that was after I paid the listing charges. Then they charge a fee for using paypal as well. Apart from that they charge exhorbitant prices for a simple thing like highlighting certain words, it doesn`t cost them anything because you, the customer, types it in the appropriate place and they have nothing to do with it but still make a charge for it.
    Apart from that, e bay have changed a lot of things, mostly for the worst.
    I tried to list something the other day and it took them 14 hours to put it on, no apology, that was 14 hours which I paid for and which was lost for selling time.
    There will come a time when people will drop e bay.
    At one time, e bay was a way out for those who wanted a second income and a lot of businesses went bust because of them. It won`t be long before people stop using them and going back to what they were doing before and when they were in charge, not some company who is making millions from others.
    What`s the betting they back off when word gets round and they sell it off and make fortunes from it.
    If you are not making a profit now, you never will, no matter what you try.
    References :

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