Home > ebay sales slow > eBay sellers, are you finding sales are slower and bids are lower this year than previous years?

eBay sellers, are you finding sales are slower and bids are lower this year than previous years?

January 31st, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I occasionally sell collectibles on eBay, and I never sell the same thing twice, so I don’t have a direct comparison, but it seems to me I’m getting a higher percentage of disappointingly low bids and no-sales than I have before. Anyone else having the same experience, or is my perception affected by the pervasive gloom and pessimism around the Great Recession?

I have to agree
Last year sales were great- this year about 1/4. (all mine are multiple BIN’s)
Most items only going for starting bid.
I also found the shops quite yesterday, and was suprised how quick I did my shopping.
Think people are cautious this year, but also ebay search is a hinderence to some Buyers- so they go elsewhere.
Lets hope it picks up in the New Year

    January 31st, 2012 at 08:15 | #1

    I have to agree
    Last year sales were great- this year about 1/4. (all mine are multiple BIN’s)
    Most items only going for starting bid.
    I also found the shops quite yesterday, and was suprised how quick I did my shopping.
    Think people are cautious this year, but also ebay search is a hinderence to some Buyers- so they go elsewhere.
    Lets hope it picks up in the New Year
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