Home > ebay sales slow > Ebay Sales for July 17-23, 2011

Ebay Sales for July 17-23, 2011

February 7th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

My Ebay Sales for July 17-23, 2011. After a few slow weeks, sales are finally picking up. The only loser was the beat up Fisher-Price School House that I overpaid $10 for. It sold for a whopping 99 cents! I am writing it off as advertising!

Ebay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/Annabellas-Gift-Shop
Amazon Store: http://annabellas-gift-shop.com/
Blog: http://annabellasgiftshop.blogspot.com/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/annabellas
Facebook: Annabella’s Gift Shop (I have both a “friend” page and a “fan” page)

Duration : 0:1:32

[youtube 1auEUsO0vz4]

  1. annabellasgiftshop
    February 7th, 2012 at 00:59 | #1

    @TheVintageDiaries …
    @TheVintageDiaries My friend, who I have gotten into picking and Ebay, is obsessed with finding Super Soakers! He got me this one, and has found several for himself. He has been putting ads in the free papers saying he will buy them. He went to a thrift store last week and saw the most expensive one on the counter – the one that sells for $600. BUT, a kid had just bought it for $1! He tried to buy it from the kid, but he wouldn’t sell it!

  2. TheVintageDiaries
    February 7th, 2012 at 00:59 | #2

    Awesome sales – …
    Awesome sales – especially the Super Soaker. No i just have to try and find one 😉

  3. annabellasgiftshop
    February 7th, 2012 at 00:59 | #3

    @ThePaperCastle As …
    @ThePaperCastle As you always say, Heather: Slow and steady wins the race! 🙂 I’ve been having good luck finding things to resell at Goodwill. There are two within 10 minutes of me in either direction. Trying to go at least a couple times a week. Sure beats driving all over town going to one crappy garage sale after another…although I will still do the sales. Just trying to stay closer to home to save on gas. ~ Ann

  4. ThePaperCastle
    February 7th, 2012 at 00:59 | #4

    Glad sales are …
    Glad sales are picking up for you! I’ve been having one of those weeks where the things I don’t expect to sell are getting bids and the things I think will be popular don’t have any bids yet. But, I’m still making a little money, so I can’t complain. TFS, Heather

  5. annabellasgiftshop
    February 7th, 2012 at 00:59 | #5

    @ …
    @Sweetprincessgirl81 Thank you so much! I think we are heading back into the time when people get back to shopping, especially since a lot of people are starting to buy for back-to-school. 🙂 ~ Ann

  6. annabellasgiftshop
    February 7th, 2012 at 00:59 | #6

    @Starchildhealer …
    @Starchildhealer Thank you!! It has been so slow for almost a month now, so nice that sales seem to be picking up. I think next year I should just take all of July off – not only are sales slow, but there aren’t that many garage sales to go to. 🙂 ~ Ann

  7. Starchildhealer
    February 7th, 2012 at 00:59 | #7

    WTG on all the …
    WTG on all the sales! Mine have picked up a little but need to pick up a whole lot more and what gets me is half what I sold has not paid for it 🙁 That stinks even worse.
    Onward and upward to a better month ahead! Keep up the good work and fantastic sale on the super soaker

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