Home > ebay sales down > If I adjust my final Ebay sale down by $500, can Ebay reduce the Final Value Fee?

If I adjust my final Ebay sale down by $500, can Ebay reduce the Final Value Fee?

February 4th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I sold an item on Ebay for $1500 and the buyer and I have decided that the condition was overstated. I would like to return $500 to the buyer, but would also like Ebay to adjust the Final Value Fee based on the newly agreed upon price. Is there a way to report to Ebay the adjusted price so that my Final Value Fee that I am charged is less? If so, where can I do this?

No you can’t do that. the FVF is calculated as the auction’s close. Any refunds you may or may not give are between yourself and the buyer.


Categories: ebay sales down Tags: , , ,
  1. Sani
    February 5th, 2012 at 04:13 | #1

    No you can’t do that. the FVF is calculated as the auction’s close. Any refunds you may or may not give are between yourself and the buyer.

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