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How to Make Money on Ebay – Where Do I Start?

As an eBay Consultant, one question I get from a lot of people is, “How do I even start on eBay?”

First of all, start small. Set up an eBay account and buy a few things to learn the process and get a feel for how eBay works. eBay and working at home is not for everyone. And it is ok if it isn’t right for you. Sell some of your own things before you invest any money in other products to sell. Understand that eBay is more than taking pictures and working on the computer – you need to be familiar with how to edit photos, shipping, customer service, and Paypal. Take your time and learn about these things before you jump in and go for it full-time.

Once you are comfortable with the whole process, don’t be afraid to take a risk every now and then. I am often asked, “But what if you buy an item and it doesn’t sell?” Well, that’s ok. You can always relist it. You can mark it down and sell it for what you paid for it and move on. You don’t want to buy a truckload of 1,000 items without having tested them out first, but you do want to experiment with different products – you may find something profitable to sell on a regular basis.

Make small investments and try new products to test them out and see what kind of results you’ll get. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new products and try new things. eBay is constantly evolving and no trend will last forever. Experience is the best teacher.

Join some eBay groups thru Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, or on the eBay forums. You can learn valuable information by talking to other sellers and comparing notes.

Read blogs, article sites (like this one), and eBooks on eBay selling. Be careful not to get duped into buying “Get Rich on eBay” kits. As a power seller with over 4 years experience, and 13,000 sales, I am here to tell you that you aren’t going to get rich selling on eBay, very few actually do. I will tell you that eBay selling is fun, profitable, and a convenient way to make money from home. eBay is just like any other entrepreneurial adventure – it takes time, patience, dedication, and hard work.

Suzanne Arant Wells

  1. Cole
    May 3rd, 2012 at 06:41 | #1

    I'm going to start making money with ebay, where to start?
    I want to make money using ebay. I figuered i would start by selling some of my own stuff, like video game consoles. But after i’m out of stuff i’m willing to sell, what do i do? What do i sell?
    like what is something good to sell?

  2. Bryan
    May 3rd, 2012 at 11:43 | #2

    Well, I have some buddies that buy stuff from craigslist or ebay and then turn around and sell it for more money. Just make sure you are getting solid deals on stuff. For instance if it is spring and you come across hunting stuff or fishing stuff, buy it cheap when nobody is looking for it, then sell it come fall when everyone is looking for the stuff.

    Also here is a great site my wife and I use for making money online. It’s called swagbucks. Here is the link.

    I write about online money making sites on my blog

    This will get you started 🙂
    References :

  3. sadec
    May 3rd, 2012 at 11:45 | #3

    Hi There,

    Check this site, This guy will help you to make money in the internet. He will gave all the things he know to make money here in the internet. He will teach you how to put more traffic to your sites, how to make money in the articles, trading/selling in EBAY, promoting your sites / product. Just try you have nothing to lose.

    References :

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