Home > ebay sales down > Ebay Stealth: Violates my Rights to Sell By Shutting Me Down

Ebay Stealth: Violates my Rights to Sell By Shutting Me Down

My Favorites

http://www.995sunglasses.com – Sturgeon Polarized Sunglasses
http://mobile.dudamobile.com/site/995sunglasses – 995 Sunglasses Mobile


To get rid of 3rd party traces and registry entries before stealth selling:

http://www.methrift.com – No Seller Fees
http://www.paypalblows.org – Warnings about Paypal
http://www.ebayblows.org – Warnings about Ebay
http://www.linkdirt.com – $5 Lifetime Website Links

If ebay violated your rights to sell, then ebay is in violation of the constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. Every person has the right to Sell or Trade to make money and support themselves. When ebay removes your seller account and doesn’t provide you proof of any website violations they claim you had, then they are interfering in your rights to trade. Their company is a monopoly on the internet therefore they can be liable. Talk to a lawyer and file a law suit against ebay for violating your rights.

I certify that I am the legal producer and owner of this video and it’s content. The views expressed within this video come from my experiences and are of my opinion only. I am operating in full compliance of all polices of youtube. For information please contact me at http://www.ebayblows.org.

Duration : 0:17:6

[youtube 3S3BWPSsssI]

  1. emuholic
    May 28th, 2012 at 03:13 | #1

    wtf? crazy
    wtf? crazy

  2. 52779able
    May 28th, 2012 at 03:13 | #2

    eBay violates so …
    eBay violates so many laws, but I’m surprised that the government does nothing about. Are they getting money from eBay, does eBay pay them a ton when taxes come? Like what gives?

  3. ebayisajoke
    May 28th, 2012 at 03:13 | #3

    Remember people …
    Remember people when you call ebay and they ask for your date of birth please do not give it. I don’t care if your sign up information is real or stealth on ebay, simply flat out refuse to give them everything they ask for. They are using your information and with a date of birth they almost have everything on you!

    May 28th, 2012 at 03:13 | #4

    I cannot stand that …
    I cannot stand that woman as she has one of the most annoying voices I have ever heard. ebayisajoke clearly made a valid reason at 13:49 when he stated “But if you can’t give me a reason as to what the violation was then there was no violation” which is totally true but ebay is to much of a pus$y to admit that ebayisajoke didn’t violate anything, so they just say random $hit to try and get you out of their site.

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