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When you place a bid on ebay?

On ebay when you place a bid on something and noone else bids on it. does the person who puts it for sale have to accept the bid or can they decline the offer?
The woman gave me an answer but i dont know what she means by a "reserve"

They are obligated to accept unless they have a reserve which requires a minimum bid. So if I offer xyz but require a minimum, say $20, then I can refuse anything less than that

Categories: ebay sales decline Tags: ,
  1. wrenchman
    May 13th, 2012 at 18:06 | #1

    if there’s not a reserved price then the seller is obligated by the ebay policy to accept the offer.
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    shop there all the time

  2. Steve D
    May 13th, 2012 at 18:14 | #2

    If they set a reserve and your bid did not meet the reserve, then they do not have to accept. If they did not set a reserve, then they have to accept.
    References :

  3. kckid2
    May 13th, 2012 at 18:29 | #3

    They are obligated to accept unless they have a reserve which requires a minimum bid. So if I offer xyz but require a minimum, say $20, then I can refuse anything less than that
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  4. Emely
    May 13th, 2012 at 18:48 | #4

    if the item has a reserve price that means that the seller set a price (that is the lowest price they will acept) and once a bidder has reached the reserve price then.. you can buy the item..and the seller has to sell it to you…
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  5. Foram
    May 13th, 2012 at 19:13 | #5

    There to automatically set up the bidding process is nothing special about. While most people think there hidden settings, set up a profile or another automatic bid set method, it is simply not true. Auto-bid, you just made for the maximum amount you are willing to spend at the auction in order to type. EBay then automatically bid for you up to that amount as other bidders bid to try you out. Once you reach your limit, your own auto bid to continue the facility will have to add another quote.

    It is important to note, if you have booked a minimum of an eBay auction and it does not meet its initial bid, you will automatically match it to. If you are not careful, you end up spending more than you bargained for this kind can. If that’s a concern, as far bid and watch the automatic bid to win an auction makes it simple you do not….
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