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Declining sales on ebay, what should i do?Please help!?

January 23rd, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Recently a guy has been outselling my (same)software 10-1 on ebay and i don’t know what i’m doing wrong in my listing(i have the same feedback score and no negatives. I’m planning to change the auction description around so it looks similiar to his, can someone help me change this passage around, i don’t want to copy him but something similiar and will attract buyers is what i want

Some excellent advice already.

Key words may drive additional traffic when searching. Review the other sellers listing, including hidden text and then adjust yours accordingly.

  1. Ł๑\/əЯ
    January 24th, 2012 at 04:18 | #1

    There is a recession going on. You’re not alone.
    References :

  2. Brianna S
    January 24th, 2012 at 04:56 | #2

    Just put ur price lower but make the thing ur selling sound better than it is.
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  3. LuthienTinuviel
    January 24th, 2012 at 05:18 | #3

    Bear in mnd that some Ebay sellers are unethical—they will create multiple accounts, ‘buy’ off each other, and of course leave positive reviews. The real question of how your business is doing is if your sales are still going strong.
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  4. queen of answers
    January 24th, 2012 at 06:01 | #4

    If the other seller, you speak of, is jordan.

    He is starting his bidding way below what your opening bid price is.
    He’s getting more sales, but he’s cheaper.

    Search the item and then check the "Completed Auctions" box ( left hand column) He’s selling for like 8.99
    One went to 61.00 but thats because people get foolish in a bidding war on one auction, and forget they can get another one cheaper, mosttimes

    I would drop some of the shipping information in the subtitle and work VISTA XP into it. He has that and NEW in his title. FREE attracts a lot of attn
    References :
    Been around ebay since 1999

  5. great days with you
    January 24th, 2012 at 06:11 | #5

    The thing is is that maybe you are sticking to one way of promoting your products online. if you did it more ways than one youd probably be better off socially & financially.
    There are many ways but never stick to one way to get people knowing about your product online and even offiline too!

    I also agree with Lithu… above it can happen.

    I suggest;
    1] http://www.sellit-right.com accepts online and offline Biz and product advertising. You can add yours as others have done there. You can take part in their affiliate programme too.

    2] Create a blog and allow comments.
    3] Add url to web directories too.
    References :

  6. Phigit
    January 24th, 2012 at 06:32 | #6

    Some excellent advice already.

    Key words may drive additional traffic when searching. Review the other sellers listing, including hidden text and then adjust yours accordingly.
    References :

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