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Your Own Online Auction Site by Using Auction Software!

February 15th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

hat Online Auction Software Can Do For You – Auction

No matter how talented you are, if you host your craft sale in your garage or your basement, you can be sure no one is going to be crossing state lines to come buy your stuff. In fact, your customers are likely to be limited to family, for more details visit to www.software-designers-pro.com friends and the people who live in and around your neighborhood. Online auction software is innovative software that increases your online exposure tremendously and enhances your profit making capacity.

Using software to construct your own online auction site is better than using an online store, offering you flexibility through various available formats. The software provides interesting features that both buyers and sellers can make use of. Of course, there are also sites such online auction sites as eBay, for more details visit to www.text2speech-converter.com which you can make use of if you do not want to host your own online auction site. Online auction sites as well as online stores are equally effective for increasing your exposure to potential buyers but auction sites do have an edge when it comes to making more money.

Because of the inherent nature of auctions, where the goods are sold to the highest bidder, you are more likely to make a higher profit if you launch an online auction site rather than an online store that has fixed sale prices. There is several different online auction software available.

Most online auction software packages utilize PHP or ASP programming formats, which help optimize your auction site. If you do not have knowledge in the area of programming, then it is better that you use PHP software as the software company can more easily provide the support you will need. Users with higher technical abilities can choose whichever one they prefer.

You don’t need to worry too much about technical details to use the PHP format. This online auction software comes with detailed instructions that are simple to read and understand.

Auction software provides sellers with several useful features including accounting, easy management, tracking, aesthetics, and security. The more attractive your site, the more customers you are likely to attract.

Currently the most popular online auction service out there, eBay offers probably the largest database of products to bid on. Leading the bidding industry ever since they started, they are today not only the most secure website that they also have a rating system to increase trust among buyers and merchants. It’s a good idea to always take a look at eBay if you want to create an online auction site for your own items. You can even put your item up for bids on eBay if you have an account.

Doing a garage sale may be simple and by selling a few old items you could make a huge amount of cash in a day. So why not spend the time to make it look more professional, put it online with the help of auction software and have the possibility to make that huge amount of cash every day? If you think about it this is like opening your own retail store but you don’t have to pay anyone for the items and you make 100% profit on everything you sell.

Akshay Sharma

  1. The questionaire
    February 15th, 2012 at 01:22 | #1

    What does this scripting mean and whenever I upload it to my webpage it doesnt work please help?
    Configuration Section
    # Edit these variables!
    local %config;

    # The Base Directory. We need an
    # absolute path for the base directory.
    # Include the trailing slash. THIS SHOULD

    $config{‘basepath’} = ‘/home/hahnfld/auctiondata/’;

    # Closed Auction Directory
    # This is where closed auction items are stored.
    # Leave this blank if you don’t want to store
    # closed auctions. It can potentially take
    # up quite a bit of disk space.

    $config{‘closedir’} = ‘closed’;

    # User Registration Directory
    # This is where user registrations are stored.
    # Leave this blank if you don’t want to
    # require registration. It can potentially
    # take up quite a bit of disk space.

    $config{‘regdir’} = ‘reg’;

    # List each directory and its associated
    # category name. These directories should
    # be subdirectories of the base directory.

    %category = (
    computer => ‘Computer Hardware and Software’,
    elec => ‘Consumer Electronics’,
    other => ‘Other Junk’,

    # This is the password for deleting auction
    # items.

    $config{‘adminpass’} = ‘auction’;

    # You need to assign either a mail program or
    # a mail host so confirmation e-mails can
    # be sent out.
    # Leave one commented and one uncommented.
    # $config{‘mailprog’} = ‘/usr/lib/sendmail -t’;

    $config{‘mailhost’} = ‘localhost’;

    # This line should be your e-mail address

    $config{‘admin_address’} = ‘nobody@yourhost.com’;

    # This line should point to the URL of
    # your server. It will be used for sending
    # "you have been outbid" e-mail. The script
    # name and auction will be appended to the
    # end automatically, so DO NOT use a trailing
    # slash. If you do not want to send outbid
    # e-mail, leave this blank.

    $config{‘scripturl’} = ‘www.your.host.com’;

    # This will let you define colors for the
    # tables that are generated and the
    # other page colors. The default colors
    # create a nice "professional" look. Must
    # be in hex format.

    $config{‘colortablehead’} = ‘#BBBBBB’;
    $config{‘colortablebody’} = ‘#EEEEEE’;

    # Site Name (will appear at the top of each page)

    $config{‘sitename’} = ‘Your Site Name Here’;

    # You can configure your own header which will
    # be appended to the top of each page.

    $config{‘header’} =<<"EOF";
    <TITLE>$config{‘sitename’} – Powered By EveryAuction</TITLE>
    <BODY TEXT=#000000 BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF LINK=#000088 VLINK=#000088 ALINK=#000088>
    <FONT SIZE=+2>$config{‘sitename’}</FONT>
    <FONT SIZE=+1>Online Auction</FONT>
    <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=searchstring>
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=action VALUE="search">
    <FONT SIZE=-2><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=searchtype VALUE="keyword" CHECKED>keyword <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=searchtype VALUE="username">username </FONT>

    # You can configure your own footer which will
    # be appended to the bottom of each page.
    # Although not required, a link back to
    # everysoft.com will help to support future
    # development.

    $config{‘footer’} =<<"EOF";
    <CENTER><FONT SIZE=-1><I>Powered By <A HREF=http://www.everysoft.com/auction/>EveryAuction 1.53</A></I></FONT></CENTER>

    # Sniper Protection… How many minutes
    # past last bid to hold auction. If auctions
    # should close at exactly closing time, set
    # to zero.

    $config{‘aftermin’} = 5;

    # File locking enabled? Should be 1 (yes)
    # for most systems, but set to 0 (no) if you
    # are getting flock errors or the script
    # crashes.

    $config{‘flock’} = 1;

    # User Posting Enabled- 1=yes 0=no

    $config{‘newokay’} = 1;

  2. Ritu
    February 15th, 2012 at 06:24 | #2

    technology tutorial
    References :

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