Home > Auction > How can you create a profitable penny auction website in such a competitive market?

How can you create a profitable penny auction website in such a competitive market?

Does anybody have any tips or suggestions on how to create a succesful penny auction website? After doing research I have found like 100 sites that claim to be penny auctions but I am sure that the majority are scams, a few don’t profit very much, and a handful are successful so does anybody have an idea on how to succeed in such a competive market? It doesn’t have to just be about penny auctions I would like tips in general on how to succeed with any retail website?

the best would be for you to contact a site that is a successful penny auction site and also willing to help you in your success to. Smokoo is the only one in the world doing it, they are your best shot:


  1. kemperk
    June 10th, 2012 at 07:22 | #1

    web sites that do not sell are your best deal;
    free lance directories, help available sites, etc

    can guide on those
    References :

  2. ?
    June 10th, 2012 at 08:01 | #2

    the best would be for you to contact a site that is a successful penny auction site and also willing to help you in your success to. Smokoo is the only one in the world doing it, they are your best shot:

    References :

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