What items from thrift stores sell the best on eBay? Tips on Profiting from Thrift Shops/Yard Sales?
Hi! I am looking for a way to help pay for my college education. My friends’ Mom sells stuff she buys from garage sales and thrift stores on eBay and makes about $2,000/month and she only does it part time.
What items sell from thrift stores well on eBay? Please be as specific as possible. I have browsed thru eBay but there are so many different listings/categories and not all things are sold at a thrift store or yard sale! ð
Since I will be buying and re-selling the items, cost is a factor since I will be trying to get as much profit as possible.
Please help me out, I really appreciate it! 10 Points Best Answer!
You just have to get to know what’s in demand by different groups of hobbyists and collectors. There are items in just about every classification that are in demand. Glassware, furniture, clothing, vintage electronics, records, etc… There’s plenty of junk too. The more old stuff you deal with… The more you’ll learn how to separate the junk from things you could make a profit on. It’s just like any other occupation. You have keep learning more about it to do well. You have to be able to sort through a whole bunch of junk and know what’s worth a little more than the asking price. Something that can only be learned through experience. If you go to sales and auctions looking for one or two specific things, you’ll never find them… You need to be able to spot ANYTHING you can make a profit on.
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