
Posts Tagged ‘Yahoo Uk’

would stories like this put websites like ebay in danger of shutting down?

October 24th, 2012 2 comments

im in the uk, when i have the money, which is rare, i find ebay useful for buying rare things, but i just read this story before in yahoo uk news;

eBay ‘owes £51m in taxes’ to UK

eBay pays £1.2m in British taxes on sales of £800m: report

so it caused me to be worried would stories like this put sites like ebay in danger of shutting down?

i dont understand the story very well so this is why i feared that, so if anyone can reassure or explain it better to me ?

what ? do you mind retyping in english, none of that made any sense.

Be very careful when buying "rare" things from eBay. They are often not what they seem and it is so easy to lose your money to a fraudster.

As far as the tax thing goes, no, they aren’t in danger of closing down.

What it means is that they’ve made use of tax loopholes to save themselves a load of money.

They say they haven’t done anything wrong so presumably they haven’t, but if they played fair and paid up like the rest of us they would have contributed a whole lot more money to the treasury purse.

Instead of that, because they are savvy and have smart accountants and tax advisers, they have found ways to hold onto almost everything they "earned".

does this recent story ‘ indicate ‘ that ebay could shut down?

October 23rd, 2012 5 comments

im in the uk, im an ebay user, when i have the money, which is rare, i find ebay useful for buying rare things, but i just read this story before in yahoo uk news;

eBay ‘owes £51m in taxes’ to UK

eBay pays £1.2m in British taxes on sales of £800m: report

so it caused me to be worried would stories like this put sites like ebay in danger of shutting down?

i dont understand the story very well so this is why i feared that, so if anyone can reassure or explain it better to me ?

I don’t think eBay will close down, any more than I don’t think Amazon and all the rest of the tax dodgers will. I use eBay quite a bit though, and when I sell things I get heavily charged by eBay for listing and auction fees, as well as PayPal fees, and we also pay (I think) a Luxumboug tax. Sometimes I lose over 10% of the auction value of the item with their cheeky fees that I’m forced to pay. I’m not very happy about this latest news. Why do the govt allow companies to trade without paying tax? eBay and Amazon have caused untold amounts of shops to close on the high street, and many of those shops WERE paying their taxes as they should have been.