What are the best items to sell on ebay?
What has a high value now that wasn’t 5 years ago or longer.
Please help im new to ebay
As the one answerer said – go to ebay and do an advanced search to search "only ended items" and look at different categories and you can pretty much see right away what sells and what doesn’t.
Shipping cost has a lot to do with perceived value..so make sure you know your shipping cost and total costs against what it would cost for the person to get it locally.
Used electronics seem to be hot..especially laptops..computer people are not afraid to order off the computer – and online sales are growing despite the recession…
I was looking for Wonder Woman stuff for my daughter and it was SOOOO expensive..and things were always being bid on…if you’re going to do collectibles..make sure you examine what collectibles are hot and what’s not..there’s a lot of things people call "collectibles" that are junk – and there’s a lot that have a high value – but the person who might buy it isn’t looking on ebay or hasn’t seen the ad..and since you’d have to keep the ad up for a while, it might not be cost effective to sell it on ebay. You want things that have a large audience. Or have a very very targeted marketing program supplemented by website advertising, PPC, etc. etc.
Auto stuff has picked up over the years..and that category has grown…
I also bet there’s some ebay statistics on the web with best selling categories, highest growth, etc.
Remember that advertising outside of ebay in the search engiens can also have a great deal to do with your level of success.
Start with looking at completed Ebay sales and investigating sales from that point of view…
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