I’m thinking of adding a web store (NOT on ebay) to my ebay sales. What strategy makes more sense?
Should I have lower prices on ebay than the same items sold via the webstore; should it be the other way around, or both about the same? GENUINE, SERIOUS answers only, please.
I completely disagree with rlecor (in a friendly way of course 😉 but you can price your goods at exactly the same price (if not cheaper, minus ebay’s fees of course) on ebay as your webstore. I do agree with rlecor when he/she says "shoppers there are really looking for a bargain".
Keeping in with that understanding, the best way to use ebay is to support your webstore. Offer an item for cost on ebay to attract visitors to your webstore. Have something ultra unique? Put it up for auction and use your webstore as the reference point.
There are so many ways you can go. Either way can be very successful or a waste of effort and time. Take a look at this…
This program has a TON of techniques and strategies for developing a successful ebay and/or webstore among some very unique ways of promoting your goods.
Good luck,
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