What are the draw backs of advertising my house for sale on ebay?
If I advertise my house for auction say for £245,000 what percentage would ebay take? Do you know of anyone who has done this successfully? Navigated ebay site and cant find the answer.
Thanks for your help.
you are playing with fire advertising your home on e-bay unless you put a reserve on the property and so many cranks will be able to view for criminal reasons,estate agents log visitors viewing homes for prevention of criminal activities as much as possible.e-bay charges are high it all depends on how much the item goes for,if you want to auction then put it through a legal auction house where you know the charges in advance.i think if a person does not have a mortgage at the time of purchase then they have 7 days to finalise one.personally i would not go down the avenue of e-bay will get loads of silly bids,that why i removed myself from e-bay.
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