
Posts Tagged ‘Thanks For Your Help’

What are the draw backs of advertising my house for sale on ebay?

December 12th, 2012 3 comments

If I advertise my house for auction say for £245,000 what percentage would ebay take? Do you know of anyone who has done this successfully? Navigated ebay site and cant find the answer.

Thanks for your help.

you are playing with fire advertising your home on e-bay unless you put a reserve on the property and so many cranks will be able to view for criminal reasons,estate agents log visitors viewing homes for prevention of criminal activities as much as possible.e-bay charges are high it all depends on how much the item goes for,if you want to auction then put it through a legal auction house where you know the charges in advance.i think if a person does not have a mortgage at the time of purchase then they have 7 days to finalise one.personally i would not go down the avenue of e-bay will get loads of silly bids,that why i removed myself from e-bay.

Ebay and Paypal HELP How Much does it cost to list on Ebay and how much does Ebay and Paypal take if you sell?

November 18th, 2012 3 comments

How much does it cost to list an item on ebay? I have some rings I need to sell and Plan on putting on 2-3 pics of each ring. Also how much does ebay and/ or paypal take out if you sell it?

I have an ebay account with feedback. I have bought stuff, but have not sold anything.

Thanks for your help.

You have eBay listing fees, eBay final value fees if the item sales, and PayPal fees if you are paid via PayPal. I usually allow about 15%.

Basically the costs are the listing fees for most things to "auction" which are about 10 cents to $2 and the final value fee is about 9% plus PayPal fee if applicable, which is about 3% (see further down).

The fixed price fees really require reading the fees chart, but basically about 7% to 13% plus a 50 cent listing fee unless you have an eBay store. There are add-on options you can add like bold and highlight so as you can see, the fee costs are complicated, depending if it’s an auction or fixed priced listing and any extras. The link to the eBay fee page is below.

The PayPal information is:
There’s no fee to use PayPal to purchase goods or services. However, if you receive money for goods or services (such as from selling an item on eBay), the fee for each transaction is 2.9% plus $0.30 USD of the amount you receive. The link is below.

Here is some additional eBay seller info from their web site:

What are the requirements to sell on eBay? Provide us with a valid credit card, debit card, or bank account information. Let us know how you would like to pay your seller fees. Select the payment methods you’ll accept. Make sure your Feedback Profile is public. We also recommend that you become PayPal verified.

You can add one picture for free with each listing. (Gallery picture).

Is there a website where cafes closing down can sell their equipment in the UK ?

November 8th, 2012 6 comments

Hi I am opening a sandwich & coffee bar & am looking for equipment that may be second hand.
Other than ebay is there a site where businesses who are closing down may advertise their stuff for sale?
Other than that if anyone knows of any good places to get catering equipment at cut prices then i welcome your info.
Many thanks for your help.

Price Minister
Craigs List

Auction or estate sale? What’s the best way to sell off furniture and antiques?

October 21st, 2012 4 comments

We’re downsizing and need to get rid of some furniture and assorted antiques. Has anyone out there had experience dealing with auction houses or estate sale dealers?

Should we send the stuff to an auction house(some of the pieces are large)? Have an on-site auction? Have an estate-type sale? We’re trying to decide which way to go.

Thanks for your help!

List an Auction on that site in your area. That’ll help with advertising if you choose to do it yourself. Other than that I’ve never delt with an auction.