
Posts Tagged ‘Sku Number’

Why is it taking so long to process paypal payment from ebay sales?

July 13th, 2012 1 comment

I have started selling on ebay and I’m selling about 25 – 50 items on ebay a day. However I find hours are being spent in paypal looking at what customers orders printing them shipping labels and reading their notes they wrote. For example I have my own custom label (sku #) in ebay for an item I’m selling so when I receive a payment from a customer from paypal I need to login to paypal copy down their address and type in the item # on ebay to find out what they ordered. Where as if paypal has just used my custom label / sku # I would be able to find out right away what the customer ordered without having to check on ebay. This process is taking to long. What are other sellers doing?

Add your sku number to the title line of the auction, the paypal payment will always reference the title of the auction.

Example – Men’s Levi 550 Size 34 x 34 Sku #3502-0210