
Posts Tagged ‘Security Reason’

Why co. like EBay or Amazon does not have an instant messenger on their site?Is it a good idea to have one?

October 27th, 2012 1 comment

I’m just wondering if these companies ever thought of that as it could cut down the enquiries time and more sales can be closed at real time. Improve cash flow for Ebay(more transactions in a minute?),higher turn around time(lesser inventory?) for seller and buyers got the best deal instantly. Ok. this might only work for ‘buy it now’ items listed. please share your comment.
I’m just wondering if these companies ever thought of that as it could cut down the enquiries time and more sales can be closed at real time. Improve cash flow for Ebay(more transactions in a minute?),higher turn around time(lesser inventory?) for seller and buyers got the best deal instantly. Ok. this might only work for ‘buy it now’ items listed.Having said that,assuming all transactions would take place in ebay/amazon. please share your comment.

Having a method like that would be great for us as consumers but bad for eBay and amazon because then it’d be easy for a merchant on those sites to lure that customer away from eBay or amazon and make a sale outside where amazon and eBay make ‘0’ Profit. Thats just looking at the hard facts from a business stand point.

The other reason would be a security reason… a merchant could potentially take advantages of you through an instant messenger and eBay or similar companies wouldn’t be able to get your money back or it might be difficult.

However for personal business sites i think the concept of live help or chatting is great, that way you can ask a merchant directly about their products. 🙂