
Posts Tagged ‘Sales Marketing’

Internship offer liquidating assets on craigslist and ebay, any tips?

September 17th, 2012 1 comment

I got hired through the university, to sell a companies assets online using sites like ebay and craigslist. The items sold on ebay will mostly be smaller items, and larger items on craiglist. I have significant experience using craigslist, but I am nervous about the ebay part. I know how to post stuff, but am not sure how the shipping works. Any tips or anything of the sort? It’s labeled a sales/marketing internship. Thank you for your time.

set a high reserve price. You wouldn’t want your items to be sold under market value.

Do not use craigslist to sell high priced items, you will get lots of spam. I suggest selling low value items on craigslist and high priced items on ebay.