
Posts Tagged ‘Robby’

Do You Know What to Look For At Garage Sales to Sell on Ebay?

May 29th, 2012 1 comment

Do you know what to look for at garage sales to sell later on ebay to make some extra money? I have been doing this for about 5 years now and have made an e-book that gives examples and tips! Please leave your suggestions, and with your permission, I will add it to my book and include that the information came from you! Thanks!

Hi Jeremy,

I guess once you’ve been doing it for 5 years you should know all the possible tips and tricks regarding garage sales?:-)

But there’s one thing I can tell you – buy bundles of used stuff on eBay, then resell it one-by-one. For maximum conversion listings should be very well optimised as explained in the free 5 day Video course ‘Fix My Auction’ below.

