
Posts Tagged ‘Risk’

What can i sell on eBay to supplement my income?

November 30th, 2012 5 comments

I currently work 40 hours/week and make good money, but I am saving to buy a house and wanted to put my weekends to use. I would prefer to work from home on the weekends, so I was thinking about buying and reselling on eBay. I have sold numerous things on eBay, but I would like to open an eBay store. What items are good to sell for a quick profit??
Any other work at home suggestions are appreciated.

There are a few ways to make decent money off eBay.

One simple way is to check garage sales every week and look for items dirt cheap that you can sell for more on eBay.

You could also drop ship for manufacturers, but there is more risk involved in that.

Check out

for more tips

How would you describe your sales technique?

November 14th, 2012 1 comment

I am trying to fill in a application for a job online. And i am trying to find it hard to answer this question. Describe a risk you have taken to advance your career?
Please help

The first answer is way off ,SMC items are all crap and you can find them by the millions for sale on Ebay at every price. Even SMC sells under another name on Ebay.

To answer your question, my sales technique is short, factual, and if your product is higher in cost then the competitors then explain why.

As far as a risk I have taken I have always been my own boss but the employees that came up with a new technique or cost saving solution were the ones that excelled. Don’t be afraid to offer a suggestion ever all that can happen is they say no. You will not be fired for trying to help.

I retired at 50 a multimillionaire and offer free advice, I am not selling anything, if you read my profile it will explain I help people on Yahoo and 5 other sites that are similar.

How can I sell easily on eBay as a new seller?

November 10th, 2012 6 comments

Most people don’t want to buy from a new seller because there is some risk involved. Are there any techniques I could use for selling until I get some good feedback?

Here’s what you do?
Search items which have free shipping.
Just bid $0.99 only. If you win good and if not no prob.
In other words, you would be paying only $0.99 for a feedback. Once you reach 50, then i think people will start buying from you. Once you hit 100 you can open an eBay store. But your sales will still be slow.

After 500 rating, you sales will start to increase. For now, since you don’t have a high rating, try selling cheap stuff which people wont go crazy if it breaks or gets damages.

Oh yea! you can try to sell textbooks. Now many people don’t care about the rating of the seller when it comes to buying textbooks.


What are good techniques for selling on Ebay?

November 10th, 2012 4 comments

I’m new to selling on Ebay. I’ve always had luck on Amazon, but they take a big cut of what you earn. There are up sells that are suppose to help you sell your item on Ebay, like "bold" "highlight" "enlarge display image" etc. Which ones really work and help? Am I limiting myself by selling only in the US, it just seems less complicated. I’m not selling all the time for business, just once and awhile, like my older cell phones, or camara’s. Is there anything that I can put in the details box to help sell my item or sound more professional or convincing? I’m actually looking into doing this as a job somday. Please help!

I have been selling on eBay for almost a year now and I can say that I rarely put any of the bold or highlight on my listings. I also do not take PayPal, but if you made your account at eBay after the second week of January then you would have to take PayPal. I have never sold anything out of the US, I think there is too much risk. Just make sure you make accurate and detailed listings. Be descriptive!! Good Luck!