
Posts Tagged ‘Redemption Period’

How do you find out whether or not a foreclosed house sold at auction?

November 12th, 2012 1 comment

The house was advertised to go to auction on July 17. We can’t find out whether or not it sold. We don’t know the auction company that had it. How do we find out if it sold and what the next steps are?

Hi Teresa,

Which auction? When you talk about a foreclosure – do you mean the sheriffs sale ( at the courthouse steps)? or was it sold by the bank through a auction house?

Ok, if you are talking about the auction at the courthouse steps – it definetly sold because the bank has an automatic bid for the amount that is owed to it. Depending on your area of the country – the bank usually has the highest bid and gets the house back after the redemption period is over.

If it was an auction company like hudson and marshall or williams and williams – then it was probably sold because these auctions are usually "absolute" meaning highest bidder wins regardless of amount, however, sometimes the bank says "no" and then they relist with a realtor. Alot depends on the houses actual value.

If you are working with a realtor they can look and find out for you.

Good luck