
Posts Tagged ‘Ps3’

What are some of the hottest items selling on eBay?

January 22nd, 2013 5 comments

I am always looking for things to sell on eBay. I usually look for small items I can ship really easy. What items do you think would sell really well? What do you buy on eBay?

You can view the most searched for & watched items by going to ebay pulse

Top 10 at the moment
1. wii
2. cricut cartridge
3. iphone
4. ipod touch
5. ipod
6. coach
7. xbox 360
8. wii games
9. laptop
10. ps3

How can i attract more people to bid on my items on Ebay?

December 23rd, 2012 6 comments

I got a few things up now and no-one really seems to be bidding
Any hints or tips to maximise bids?

You can pay for extra features such as having your item listed in bold and with a picture, items with a picture will get looked at before an item without.

The title of your item should be short, snappy and immediately explain what you are selling.

eg PS3 with 2 controllers and 2 games.
Opposed to: Computer console with accessories.

Write your description in colours and bold or italics, make your description short and snappy so buyers get the essential info straight away.

Some other hints and tips:

Look around at what other people are selling and see how they are displaying their goods.

If you are new to ebay and/or have a low rating on ebay people might dubious to buy something off you especially if you are selling something that is very expensive- the buyer might think its a con.

You could be selling stuff where there is already 100 of that item for sale thus demand for it isn’t high.

Your item might be too expensive compared to other items.

Also, most people don’t bid on an item during its run but instead bid within the last few minutes of the item that is on sale.

How can this be legal for Paypal?

September 20th, 2012 4 comments

I’m 20 years old and sold a few things on ebay recently.
I never received the funds however because I apparently owe Paypal money from 6 years ago.

When I was 14 I had a debit card. I wasn’t too responsible with it even though my mother worked at a bank.
I used this card to try to buy something on eBay. I figured it would work because I was 14.
Long story short the card was declined and no money was withdrawn from my account (other than the overdraft fee which I had just learned about as a result of the attempted transaction)
The account was closed because I clearly was too young to have one anyway.

Paypal said that the man that I bought the PS3 from 6 years ago had sent the merchandise yet I never received it.
14 year old me was accused for fraud because I had tried to buy something I didn’t have funds for.
I was just oblivious to how bank accounts and cards and everything worked so I hadn’t done any of this intentionally.
So Paypal payed the seller of the item and he never sent the item. I wasn’t aware of this at the time because, once again, I was 14 and I never checked my email so how was I to know I owed them money back then? Now its 6 years too late and they want me to pay $380. I never got the item so why should I pay them a dime?

Now in my recent sales (on a separate account)
Paypal held funds with no warning apparently they linked my two accounts.
The first one I created when I was 14. So how am I legally bound by whatever I may have accepted back then?
They won’t even let me contact the seller who stole the money and the item.
They won’t even contact him. They fronted him the money he didn’t even deserve because he never sent anything. Now I’m out cash because they think I owe them.

Is there any way to stick it to paypal and appeal this? Or do I have to let myself be scammed?
I did give them a real card number. I didn’t knowingly ignore emails saying I needed to pay them. There is no notifier of if the recipient actually read an email someone else had sent. They just sent emails to my spam/website login address. I had no reason to check those.

I ONLY lied about being 18. I wasn’t 18 and therefore not bound by their contract.
I figured that I never received the item because I didn’t pay for it. That only makes sense.

The only way around getting use out of paypal without paying is using a false name but I’m pretty sure that is illegal.

This one is tricky, you made a purchase but your card was declined. Paypal didn’t decline your card, your bank did. So, Paypal is not at fault on that one.

Paypal guarantees a sale and the funds, which is why they were required to still pay the sender. You could have contested at that time that you never received the item, but you were too ignorant to check your email (which is a lie, you saw those emails and decided not to follow up).

You do owe Paypal money, regardless of whether the item was actually sent. Go back and read the Paypal contract.

You aren’t getting scammed. You tried to scam Paypal (albeit, 6 years ago and as a minor) and now they are getting payback. Debts cannot be collected after 7 years (similar to statute of limitations) in most jurisdictions. If you would have waited another year, you might have been fine.