
Posts Tagged ‘Professional Realtor’

How do I host an auction to sell my home?

September 15th, 2012 4 comments

I’m considering hosting an auction to sell my house; that seems like an interesting option.
I would like details outlining how this is done.
Thank you.

There is a book called How to Sell Your Home in 5 Days by Bill G. Effros that tells you how to hold a successful auction of your home. I have read it an it sounds like an interesting way to sell your house but it doesn’t sound like the smartest or best way to sell your house.

Do you want to sell it at auction because it would be fast or because you think it will get the most money? Are you trying to avoid paying a commission? Do you have financial troubles and the auction is the cheapest way to sell?

I think you need to figure out why you want to sell it by auction and not by owner or with the help of a professional Realtor though.