
Posts Tagged ‘People Online’

Easy Way to Sell Information Products on Ebay

February 20th, 2013 5 comments

Selling information products on the Internet has been one of the biggest boom markets in the last 3 years. You can see that in the number of people selling ebooks, videos, and membership sites and so on, the Internet. Back in 1996 there were under 50 people selling information products online, now in 2005, there are literally millions of sites selling all sorts of information to all sorts of people.


So why are all these people flocking to sell information products online? Because of the promise of quick money from scam artists. Most people who are selling any sort of information online are usually resellers (affiliates or people who brought reprint rights to a product) or they created an ebook themselves. For more details go to .What these people don’t understand is that the market is nearly saturated with the same books they are trying to sell. This of course leads to a price war, and then no one makes any money because they are all trying to undercut themselves to be the cheapest in the market. This is not a viable business idea.


So why would you want to get into creating information products and sell them on Ebay?


That’s a good question.


The reason why I’ve been profiting from selling information products is because I make myself different. I don’t go out there selling the same information, I go out there and break new ground with great products at great prices that people actually want to buy, and the best part is I usually spend nothing on advertising.


It still really is possible to make your fortune online with information products; you just have to find 3 things.


1) A hungry market


2) A good product


3) An unrelenting sales machine


All of this will be covered in this guide.


So what exactly are you going to learn in this guide? Here’s a quick run down of what I’m going to teach you, then we will get into business…


Why Sell Information Products On Ebay?


Ebay is the Mecca of online shopping. If you can’t find the product or category you are after on Ebay, it’s probably because it doesn’t exist.


Ebay literally has millions of people with cash in, hand coming into it’s online store everyday looking to buy what ever takes their fancy, and this in my opinion makes Ebay the bee’s knee’s when it comes to advertising online. For more information logon to .So few people actually think of Ebay as a viable way to make money with their information products. The few who do understand its power are making their fortunes online.


Let me give you a few examples. Connect to the Internet if you have not already and have a look at the following Ebay sellers and make sure to look at their feedback and see what they have sold!


Rajbir Singh

do many people buy online?

December 28th, 2012 2 comments

I was looking into selling my own printed clothing online, I know that ebay is a good idea (opening a shop for my own designs)- how sucessful will this endevour be or should I just stick with shop sales and cut out the hastle?
In other words do many people shop online really?

Oh yes, more and more people are buying online.

Here’s the Bureau of Census statistics on ecommerce — in 2009, ecommerce accounted for $145 billion in sales

One way is to use eBay as a test market whether your products will sell. Also do if your item qualifies. This way you can see:

– whether there’s a demand for your products
– what kind of sales copy or product description you need to write (note the kind of questions ebay users ask you)
– use ebay to practice taking good pictures of your products, in multiple angles

Once you see there seems to be a demand you can then open your own website. But it should not be an either/or situation — even if you have a website, explore as many opportunities to sell your products. Sell it on ebay, Amazon, etsy, shop sales, etc — the more venues you sell, the better

How do I go about opening an online bookstore and make money with it?

December 10th, 2012 1 comment

If anyone can help me with this, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Hi there,

It’s quite easy to set up the store it’s self, you just need to design the website around some shopping cart software so that people can purchase online. If you didn’t want to do this yourself you could outsource it and get someone at Elance to do it for you.

The hard part is then getting traffic to it. The best way we found with our online store was that we started by selling on ebay and building up a name for ourselves on there while we slowly built up the traffic and sales to the website shop. I’d also highly recommend using Google adwords to drive specific traffic there. Adwords works really well but does also take some time to perfect and maintain.

We actually now use some software that holds a database and we just put the description and photo’s in once and then it lists it both on eBay and the website.

Just remember to build it up can be a slow process so don’t get dishearted if the sales come slowly at first, just keep working hard and you’ll get there.

Also if your spending alot of time online you might want to look at a "pay to surf" site like AGLOCO that will give you some extra income for being online.

I hope this helps you out.

Cheers, ToNy!

P.S. you might also want to do some clever off line marketing for the site….. my first idea was giving away free bookmarks with the site name and details on at the library’s.

P.P.S if you want to stand out from the competition i’d recommend you get super fast shipping…. there’s nothing better than ordering online 1 day and getting it 1 or 2 days later. I always buy again from those sites.

P.P.P.S You will also need to set yourself apart from the competition like amazon and have a point of difference that you can market. Maybe you should look at setting up smaller niche book stores. e.g. 1 site for cook books, 1 site for gardening books
This way they are normally better to optimize in the search engines like Google and easier to start up because your not trying to do everything to start with. You could also offer a range of E-Books on there to download for a certain price.

How can I freely advertise for people to buy stuff from my online ebay store?

November 20th, 2012 2 comments

Nobody is buying anything from me on Ebay and I think I should start promoting. My username is nayanerry.

I hope you won’t take this the wrong way, I don’t mean to sound critical, just passing on some advice that will hopefully help you increase sales.

Your pictures are not clear, you need more lighting. Notice in every description you say the fabric is brighter than the picture shows. Take the clothes outside for better lighting if you have to. Take a closer shot to show the detail of the fabric. You are using auctiva, so the extra pictures will not cost you any more.

Iron the khaki dress

You absolutely need better descriptions, you need to give better sizes of your clothes, not just small, med, large, but take measurements across the shoulders, down the sleeves, the length of the dress.

2 of the items you have up for sale have misspelled words in the title. People will not find them because of this (denim and saint).

Use more keywords, leave out the word size, the word by and any extra commas, periods or dashes. This leaves you more room to use more search-able words, denim jean romper sleeveless dress. Your title doesn’t have to make sense it needs to have the words that people will search to find your product.

Also, you should mention that you combine shipping. At $6 to ship and a starting bid of $7.99, you are asking someone to pay at a minimum $13.99 for a used Kathi Lee Kmart dress, (would you?).

Hope these tips help you increase sales and become profitable.

What are people actually buying on Ebay?

September 15th, 2012 3 comments

I have been selling on Ebay for ten years now, and I have noticed that sales have gone WAY down recently. I think maybe I’m just not selling the right thing. What are people buying? and please don’t tell me – "people buy anything on Ebay" or some thoughtless answer like that – People don’t buy just anything – I have tons of un-sold stuff. what are people actually buying nowadays?

Taking really good pictures can make a difference selling on E-bay, think of it this way, lets say you walk into a restaurant and all their pictures of food on the menu looks very appetizing, just by good pictures you decide what you want to get at the restaurant but also it keeps a person coming back for more the next time, same as good pictures can make a difference for selling on E-bay, you want people to keep coming back and buying from you, that will probably help you sell some of your unsold items.
Also make sure you end your auction at a time when you think that people will be on their computers, even though E-bay has automatic bidding its still good to end the auction at a time when most people are online and right at their computers, have your start time begin at midnight at the beginning of a week and have it end on a weekend at night when you know people will mostly be online.