
Posts Tagged ‘New Business’

Make Money Fast With Ipc or Stay Broke!

February 17th, 2013 4 comments

     That is exactly the position that I found myself in after moving to a new city and not being able to find a job.  I had to find a method of making money fast so I immediately

turned to the internet for my answers.  In my desperate frenzy, I quickly signed up for program after program that promised to pay me big bucks and then dove right into a black hole.  I was hopeful in the fact that I could call a business my own but I had no idea how to get my new business started and making money quickly.  I soon became more frustrated as each day passed and the thought of money being taken out of my account to support my websites each month only made it even worse. I was not only not making any

sales but I was losing money.  This went on for a few weeks until I broke down and surrendered my hopes of making money fast online.  I became depressed and started to

look for things to sell around the house to make fast money but realized that even Ebay

charged to place goods online to sell.

     I then decided to look on the popular website, Craiglist for opportunities that I could make money ASAP and that’s when I found a program that changed everything.  The program that promised to make money instantly.  I thought to myself, “instantly”, well that’s better than quickly or right away.  I know everybody does this and I’m no different, but I told myself this is the last one and guess what: It was!

     The IPC Instant Cash Program is exactly what it promotes, to make money and to make money fast.  By the end of the very month that I started, I was making sales and it was growing.  I now make over $9,000 a month and am showing others how to do the same.


There was no magic taking place for this to happen, just a fantastic step by step training program that took me from A to Z in an easy to understand format.  The business was meant for someone just like me, someone who needed to make money fast but also needed an extra helping boost to make it all happen.  I tuned into the 5 hour training video presentations that would show me several methods of advertising my business and

the option of doing it for FREE.  I had no monthly upkeep charges to worry about so I really appreciated my training and took it very seriously. I quickly began to implement the techniques one by one.  When I made my first sale in 48 hours, I just stared at my computer screen in amazement and knew that this was just the beginning of something

very special for my life. 

     I recommend this business for anyone who is being thrown a curve ball in life and just does not know how to hit the ball to get to the next base.  This program with its

superior back office will show you step by step how to set up your business and promote your business using both free advertising methods and paid methods as well. There are

no monthly fees so once you have made your initial investment which by the way has to be the lowest price business on the internet, you can really concentrate on just making money and making money fast. The business has a couple of bonuses to boast about,

one is the fact that you receive residual income with this system and it has an excellent cash back reward in place also. Do yourself a favor and get your FREE REPORT that

explains this awesome business opportunity, then go out there and make money fast.

Christine Johnston

What would I need to start a "car part sales business" ?

January 18th, 2013 1 comment

Hello everyone I live in Ontario Canada and I wanted to get something started with my life and I was thinking about starting a business selling car parts. I was thinking about getting them from japan for a cheap price and selling them here for a low price, this is all completely new to me and I just got the idea from my father and was wondering if I would need to have existing contacts in japan or if u can gain them through the internet or from another source.

Another question would be about the financial aspect of this. I have bad credit right now and close to bankrupct so it would not be possible for me to get a bank loan, what other options do I have? Also how much would i need aproximatly to start a new business like this one. Not a huge shop just small enough to run something.
If anyone can help me out with tips, info, web sites, or anything else would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again

here’s a link to them on ebay business.

I m new to the Stocks, How do I short a Stock?

January 18th, 2013 3 comments

I can tell you how but I’d rather yod didn’t do it because it’s too risky. After I explain how to do it and why it’s too risky I will explain a better way to profit by the drop in a Stock.

To short a stock you must have enough money to buy the number of shares you plan on selling short, plus you must have enough in the account and get the broker’s approval – believe me, it’s not that easy. A brokerage will then borrow those shorted stocks from someone who owns them and you have a short position, for which your account will be credited the amount of the shares at the price the stock was trading when shorted, less commissions. Hopefully the stock will go down and you profit by that decrease (in the case of a short, down is good). Your percentage profit is calculated by taking the price you bought the shares back when closing the position as the cost per share basis (with commissions added to the cost of course). The profit percentage is: closeout price minus Original short sale stock price, divided by closeout price, or (L-S)/S. I have deliberately used L and S to give you the sense of S=short, L=long or closeout. But your Short Position, as it is called, can be closed against your will by the brokerage, especially if your position is going against you (stock going in the wrong direction for you – UP), even if you are vindicated in the long run and the stock does drop eventually – after your position has been closed.

Now let me explain the real reason why this is such a bad strategy. If the company you have shorted has announced a killer new business plan, that stock will go up fast against you and you will lose so much money by it going against you that theoretically there is no limit to how much you can lose – it could be 500 to 1,000 times the money you received in the first place. Say, for example you had sold short $20,000 each worth of Google, Ebay and Chicago Mercantile Exchange in 2002. By now you would have lost OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Never forget that an expensive (in your opinon) stock can still go up, while a cheap crashed stock can still go down. The Market DOES NOT CARE that you will be hurt – IT DOES WHAT IT WANTS WHEN IT WANTS TO!

A better way to do what you are trying to do is to buy options – in this case, a PUT. This gives you, as the owner of the PUT the right, but not the obligation, to sell (PUT to the Market) the stock at the original price, then profiting by the decline, so once again DOWN is GOOD for you, the owner of the PUT. Why would this PUT option limit your risk? Because you can only lose 100% of your option’s price if the stock goes way up (as little as 3-400 dollars per hundred shares or ONE PUT CONTRACT), instead of the theoretical Million $ spoken of earlier. But if the stock truly goes to zero, you will have made the difference between the stock price when you bought the PUT and the stock crashing to zero, that is, selling it at the PUT’s strike price (say $250 a share). So suppose you had bought Enron PUTS in 2000. You would have made a lot on the crash by buying the PUT option; yet if Enron had never been a bad company and had never had a scandal, its stock by now would most likely be worth at least 6 or 7 times what you got when you "sold" it short. Follow me? By using the PUT, if you are entirely wrong, you just lost the premium you originally paid, but did not have to pony up many thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to "cover your shorts" as they call it. So the PUT limits your risk while letting you participate in the drop IF it happens.

IF you decide to get more education in this area a word of caution: treat options with care. If you have X dollars to invest, never let an option position exceed 2-5% of that theoretical X – it is like having 98% margin on a stock and having a horrible loss on a slight move in the wrong direction. So by limiting the position size, if an option position goes to zero, this 100% loss on a very small percentage of your assets will hardly be noticed. Options are like spice – stocks are like meat and potatoes.

Hope this helped.

what kind of business should I start?

December 21st, 2012 1 comment

I want to start a new business. I just can’t decide what type of business I want to start. I don’t want to have to have a lot of money to get started and I don’t want anything like avon, or selling junk like that. I’m a single mom and don’t have time or money to waste on chasing my tail. I come up with ideas all the time, but I don’t ever know if they are any good. Just some ideas to get going would be nice.

Types of jobs for a single mom would be ones that give you freedom of hours worked.
My sister is a single mom and she is a mystery shopper and a undercover guard at the big department store. You know the one. She goes in two days a week and works undercover shopping and on the other days, when she wants to work, she goes to another set of stores and shops buying products and writing reviews for the products and how she was treated my the store employees.
All stores have mystery shoppers and you can post your resume at and on-line for a job as a mystery shopper and as an Undercover guard in a store. Both jobs pay good money and she works a flex time schedule.
My sister has also worked at a photography store, developing photos and she even had several jobs delivering the wall street journal on Weekends. Good money and that job is in the morning.
You want to start your own job in your home and have fleable hours. I suggest Listing items for customers on Ebay. You put up flyers and make the flyers say, " SELL YOUR ITEMS ON EBAY, Give me a call".
This is something you can do with your computer, which you already have and your Email account. You can have your own Ebay store, Ebay account and you can call it " MOM’S Pawn Shop, or Mom sells It".
This is a job that starts out slow and builds up , as you get more customers and things to list. You take a % to list, a % to sell and it is all your account. I have a friend who sent themself through four years of college doing, Tom Sold It, on Ebay. Think about this, You can make lots of money and you make more with more things listed. You actually could go to thrift stores and buy vintage and list that vintage whatever and make a sale that way.
You can contact Ebay and they will help you set the whole account up and help you with your first listings free.
You can make the flyers and pass them out to friends and family and at church and all around town. My friend said it was fantastic because everybody has extra things they would sell if they knew how to do the listings. That is where your New , In-house job, comes in to play. Start small and shoot for the stars. I will be looking for" Mom Sold It" ; on Ebay.

I am new to network marketing and would love to hear of any tips that could boost my sales!?

November 10th, 2012 5 comments

I am very new to network marketing and would love to learn tips on how to boost my sales. Any tips are very welcome!

Depending on what company you are with, it may be a good idea to try and sell your product on eBay and capture the emails of all your customers. These will be highly targeted prospects that would make good distributors.

Another thing you need to do is get some kind of lead generation system or funded proposal system. This way you can make money even if no one joins your primary business by selling them information on the backend and building a list at the same time.

I recommend you check out this system:

This is a new and very effective business opportunity lead generation system that will help you find prospects for your primary business and build you income at the same time.