
Posts Tagged ‘Marketing Product’

Relationship of Internet Marketing With Dummies!

March 5th, 2013 No comments

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There are many people every day jumping into the online world. With more and more people using the internet the floodgates of internet users are opening wider everyday. But how, as a home business owner, can you expect to compete with the “big dogs” of the internet and dip your cup into the profits as well?

There are a ton of tips and tricks that people will tell you are the “best” way to advertise your home business??. But do them incorrectly or choose the wrong methods and all you’ll really end up doing is increasing your frustration, not your traffic or your sales.

I remember back when I started my first business (not online) it seemed like almost everyday someone was willing to offer me a great deal to advertise my business. For more details visit towww. course with all these different resources out there some of them had to be more effective than others. The only problem was ???. HOW Do I Tell Which Ones? I had limited resources and certainly couldn’t afford to give them all a try, unless I just wanted to cross my fingers and hope they worked so I wouldn’t go out of business!

Thankfully, today’s online world provides home business owners with a variety of different marketing techniques, and each can be as profitable as the next. As a business owner you simply have to decide what you are willing to invest in your business, and which will have the best return on your investment

Let’s run through a few of the most popular types.

Paid Banner (CPM + CPC) and Paid Text-

Banner ads you can pay for as CPC(cost per click) or CPM(cost per every thousand times banner is displayed) usually placed in a high traffic area on a site that causes visitors of that site to see it and visit your site.

Paid Text advertising is similar only the ad is in the form of a text link usually off to the sides (or at the top in search engines like Yahoo! And Google) For more details visit to you are going to use this kind of advertising make sure you pick the sites you place your ads on carefully (popular sites will be expensive but you should get more clicks and smaller sites will be cheaper, but often with little or no results)

E-mail lists –

Programs or services that will get your link out to many different internet users. These can be good if you have a very widely used type of product. The negative to these lists is that with new e-mail features often these types of messages get marked as spam and are disregarded by the intended recipient.

Free Traffic Generators –

Traffic generators like Traffic Swarm can be a great way of just getting people to go to your site. There are some that you can pay for that will guarantee you a certain number of visitors for a set price. Problem is that most of the people that are now visiting your site aren’t really interested in your product or service. You might get one or two sales from extremely impulsive buyers but the rest only visit to earn credits or something of the sort from the home site. If you’re going to rely on this type of advertising make sure your visitor/buyer ratio is already high for your site.

Link Exchange –

This is by far the best way of driving quality traffic to your site?? If you do it right! Before you even THINK about trying to exchange links with other sites there’s a few things you should know?

1. Download the Google toolbar – This way you will be able to tell the page rank of any pages you want to exchange links with (higher the PR the higher in the search ranking which means more traffic)

2. Exchange links with only pages of PR 4 or higher. It will help your page more by having a few PR4+ pages linking to you than 10000 pages with no page rank.

3. Build your content FIRST! Don’t expect E-Bay to display your link just because you asked them nicely! Webmasters want to know they are linking to a quality site with a good amount of substance. Focus on building your site before you ask people to link to it.

4. Try to exchange links with other sites that have the same key words as yours. Ie: There’s no reason to exchange links with a flower web site if you sell telephone service

The only thing this type of advertising will cost you is a little effort. The greatest part of it is that the people that visit your site are people that are actually interested in your product or service, not just people stopping by to earn credits?? And you don’t pay a cent. There are many books and sites on the web that can give you more details on how to effectively exchange links to your benefit.

Hopefully these tips have helped you narrow down the best type of advertising for your site. The one thing that hasn’t changed in the transition from regular to internet marketing is that you never really know what will work best for you until you try. Don’t be afraid to get your feet wet and see what you like!


How To Make Profit From Endorsement Marketing

February 15th, 2012 2 comments

As it name implies, in Endorsement Marketing you look to market your products through someone that endorses them. The steps you need to follow in this kind of marketing are:

1. Find an ezine or a non-competing web site that reaches your target market in big numbers
2. Contact the ezine’s publisher or the web site’s owner, and offer to send them your product for their evaluation
3. Offer to pay them for marketing your product to their audience
4. If you have an Affiliate Program, offer them to join as an affiliate, and receive commissions for people that sign under them

There are a couple of things you need to make endorsement marketing really work, like:

1. Your endorsement marketing partner must really like your product
2. It must have access to a large number of your target market
3. They must write an article about your product that includes:
4. All the benefits you can offer
5. Testimonies from your partner and other people
6. A special offer for their customers that they won’t find anywhere else
7. A rock solid guarantee
8. Your partner must have a very good rapport with their customers. If people love and trust him, they will accept his advice and buy your product

If they have it, their advice will be ten times more convincing than an ad or an article written by you.
You can’t even come close to the credibility they will have with their audience.

How To Find Your Endorsement Marketing Partners?

The more endorsers or supper affiliates you get, the more quickly your sales will sky rocket, but how can you find them? The first thing you will need is a program named Alexa that you can download from: alexa dot com

Alexa will integrate with your browser and provide you on statistics about the sites your visit, and among them will tell you how many visits that site receives. Any site that scores over 250 visits it’s worth approaching to make him your affiliate partner, and those with over 20,000 visits will be unapproachable (too difficult to convince)

Another tool you can use is Ixquick that you can find at: ixquick dot com Make a list of the most popular keywords related with your site and look for them at Ixquick. Ixquick will display results based on the top 10 positions in the major search engines. It will put a star for every top 10 position in one of the major engines. Once you found popular sites related with yours, you need to find motivated sites that might be good endorsement marketing affiliates to have, and for this you can use the Pay Per Click Search Engines.

On the Pay Per Click Search Engines, webmasters must outbid each other to obtain top listings to your most popular keywords. Those that rank high are motivated, and serious and might be partners. There are many Pay Per Click Search Engines, but the most important are:

1. Google
2. Yahoo
3. 7Search
4. FindWhat
5. eBay

And you should also try to locate targeted e-zines and for that you can enter your site’s keywords at: Bestezines dot com and at dominis dot com

How To Find Your Competitor’s Affiliates

An affiliate to one of your competitors, might be a good prospect to offer him a second income stream through endorsement marketingo of your product. The first thing you need to find is Affiliate Program competitors and you can find them at The Associate Programs Directory: AssociatePrograms dot com and refer-it dot com

Once you find them go to AltaVista dot com and write: – This will search for all the links that point to minus those that link to him from himself Do this search for all your major competitors and you’ll discover their most active affiliates

Once you find your ideal partner for endorsement marketing, you will need to contact him, and you will find that the most interesting ones will be harder to contact, because they receive many low quality offers, so you will need to cross the believe barrier.

If you can do it phone your contact and you will distinguish yourself from most of your competitors. Study their site and/or newsletter and make a valid comment about them, and add an in context mention of your product and/or proposal.

The best thing you can do is to personalize your letter with that person’s name, and if you can’t take it from his site or e-zine you can look for it at: betterwhois dot com here you can find the name and the phone!

Bottom line: How to avoid the recycle bin? Put yourself into your “might be endorsement marketing partner’s” shoes and think what kind of proposal you might consider as interesting.

Roberto Bonomi