
Posts Tagged ‘Many Thanks’

How can I get a mortgage on a property bought at auction?

January 18th, 2013 5 comments

I would like to look into buying a property at auction as I am a first time buyer, unable to get a foot on the housing ladder. After looking into various Goverment schemes, my only other option is shared ownership.

I would like to know the process of raising a mortgage for a property bought at auction.
I know that a 10% deposit is required on the day of the auction.
Is it a case of obtaining a mortgage in principle, purchasing the property and then applying for the mortgage after the sale?

I am assuming that no mortgage lender will lend money without there being a property in place to secure the loan on.

Any information on this would be appreciated

Many thanks

Get a mortgage offer before going to an auction. Make sure the lender is able to complete your application within three weeks of the sale. If you don’t have the moneyin your account in time to pay for the property you could lose your deposit.

Remember you have to complete within 28 days and don’t forget to factor in stamp duty if you purchase over £60,000.

Good luck.

Is there a website where cafes closing down can sell their equipment in the UK ?

November 8th, 2012 6 comments

Hi I am opening a sandwich & coffee bar & am looking for equipment that may be second hand.
Other than ebay is there a site where businesses who are closing down may advertise their stuff for sale?
Other than that if anyone knows of any good places to get catering equipment at cut prices then i welcome your info.
Many thanks for your help.

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