
Posts Tagged ‘making money on ebay’

Any tips on making money on ebay?

January 9th, 2013 12 comments

I am looking make some extra cash selling on ebay? AN extra £200-300 a month is fine for me.

How can I do that? And what PRODUCTS ARE ON HIGH DEMAND on ebay?
To Daniel D:

selling concert tickets and such. I thought you couldn’t do that anymore? you have to put your names on tickets when pre-ordering, therefore you can’t sell it to someone with a different name.

re: Danilel C
subodh fuck off you cunt!

Let me start by answering your last questions first. Ebay is the place to sell ANYTHING. Ok, so anything means "within reason" as Ebay doesn’t allow guns, animals or human body parts, but services is not outside the norm of Ebay sales.

The thing to remain focused upon is not whether Ebay is the place, but whether the service you want to sell can benefit from a "global" market. Ebay has an audience that covers the globe. it is not uncommon to have bidders from as far away as Europe, Russia and Austrailia. So, to put this in perspective, if you are selling graphics for the web, you have a wider market in Ebay. If, however, you are selling house painting, personal errand assistant or even your knowledge in Law, you must look for a more local or geographicaly close audience. This does not mean you shouldn’t use eBay, it only means that your auction pages should reflect this understanding.

Lastly, What products sell well on ebay and is there a way to get this information on a daily basis? This is a question I get an awful lot, both here on AllExperts and through email. The problem is that there is no cut and dried answer. What sells well for one may be a total disaster for another. In addition, consider this: If there is one item that sells well, and could make someone rich, do you really expect to be handed this information on a silver platter? Of course not – but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find something with which to do well on Ebay.

You can search on ebay for the items you’re selling, and you can find items by the number of bids they receive. Items that receive over a certain number of bids are called "Hot Items" and are marked with a small flame icon. Sort any category by clicking on the top of the bid column, and you instantly know which items in that category are receiving the most bids.

Can you sell the same item and get the same bids? This remains a mystery on Ebay. You should know that it is common for two sellers to list identical items – both of which are hot tickets – only to have one receive many high bids and the other get nothing. What is the difference? As I say, it’s a mystery.

The one thing I can tell new sellers is that you have to sell what you know. If you know a bit about depression glass, then I’d say that’s your area to start. If, however, you don’t know the difference between Mayfair and Cabbage Rose, then you’re going to have trouble with those items. Everyone knows a bit about something. You need to assess your own abilities and your own knowledge areas to find those items with which you will do best.

Ebay Sales for the Week of August 14-20, 2011

June 11th, 2012 7 comments

My Ebay sales for August 14-20, 2011. Pretty slow week — I think people are busy getting their kids ready to school. I have put a number of items on sale in my Ebay Store — anywhere from 25 to 50 percent off. Trying one last time to move out some slow sellers before I decide whether or now I will relist them. I already have a pile started for next year’s garage sale!

Ebay Store:
Amazon Store:
Facebook: Annabella’s Gift Shop (I have both a page to “LIKE” and a page to “FRIEND”)

Duration : 0:1:6

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[work at Home Business Idea to Make Money Online] Discover How to Get Started Making Money on Ebay & Boost your High Income Business Opportunities

February 8th, 2012 No comments

Now, I am going to give you how to get started making money on eBay & boost your high income business opportunities. eBay online market is the largest marketplace on the internet right now. I am sure that you can make big money online from home on eBay. You just have to learn EXACTLY how to make money on eBay.

READ THIS: If you are looking for high income business opportunities and way to earn big money online from home.

Are you interested in using eBay to buy the products that you need or even sell items that you no longer want? Do you want to make money online on eBay? If you are, you will need to create an eBay account, if you haven’t already done so. Although many automatically assume that getting started with eBay is a complicated task, it doesn’t have to be. All you really need to do is follow a few simple steps and you should be good to go.

You’ll discover my recommended simple steps to get started on eBay and start earning money online at home below:

The first thing that you will want to do is visit eBay’s website, which is located at Once you are at eBay’s website, you can then click on the link that allows you to register a new account. At that stage, you will be brought to a signup form. That signup form will ask you a series of questions. For instance, you will need to enter in your full name, your address, your telephone number, as well as an e-mail address. You will also be required to come up with an eBay screen name or sign in name, as well as an eBay password, which will be used to access your eBay account. Once you have correctly filled out the form, you will be sent a verification email from eBay.

Once you have received eBay’s verification email and followed all of the instructions, which will help you validate your eBay account, you will be able to start using eBay right away. When you first get started, you may need to sign in to your eBay account. As previously stated, you will need to use your eBay sign in name or screen name and password to do so. For that reason, you may want to write down your sign in information and keep it in a safe place. Once you have signed in to your eBay account, you can then do whatever you want; buy or sell.

That’s a real simple step for your registration on eBay. Now, you are ready for earning money online on eBay. The key factor of making big money on eBay at home is to find great & cheap products and sell those products for profits. The big major task is how to find hot selling product online in the eBay marketplace.

If you are interested in using eBay to shop online, to buy, you will want to start searching for items to buy. This can be done a number of different ways. eBay allows you to browse through their large selection of items, by detailed categories. You can also perform a standard eBay search or an advanced one. Searches are more likely to give you accurate, tailored results. When browsing or searching for something in particular, you should be able to see a large number of auction listing all on one page. The information that you will be presented with at this time is the standard, bare minimum. If you would like more additional information on the item in question, such as how much shipping costs or too see additional pictures, you will want to click on the link to view the detailed sales page. Should you like what you see, follow the instructions to buy and you will have made your first purchase on eBay!

As it was previously stated, if you are interested in selling on eBay, to make a little bit of extra money, you can also do so. The only difference is that you are required to pay small fees to become an eBay seller, unlike eBay buyers who have completely free accounts. The amount of money that you are charged will all depend on your auctions, particularly how much you list each item for, as well as how well each item sells. To get started with selling, you will want to click on the “sell,” link at the top of the eBay webpage. What is nice about listing items for sale on eBay it is relatively easy to do. For example, you need to choose a category for your item, make a headline for your auction listing, write a description of your product, upload pictures of what you are selling, outline shipping costs, as well as accepted forms of payments, but everything is outlined for you, in a step-by-step matter.

Whether you are interested in becoming an eBay buyer or an eBay seller, you can do both, in as little as a few minutes. eBay, as previously mentioned, is considered one the most shopped at online marketplaces. For you, this means that if you are looking to make money on eBay from home, you should be able to do so and if you are interested in buying on eBay, you should be able to find millions of products to choose from. This is a real home based business opportunity you should NOT miss! You’ll discover a lot of golden high income business opportunities on eBay. It is a global marketplace in the world!

Finally, I am sure that making money on eBay is one of great ways to make big money on the internet at home. It is a real home based business opportunity. You’ll discover a TON of homeworker business opportunities to make EXTRA money online from home.

Learn more about how to make money over $8,000,000 selling products on eBay. You’ll discover step-by-step, tips, techniques and insider secrets of how to become a millionaire internet entrepreneur selling products on eBay.


Garage Sale/Goodwill Finds for Resale on Ebay

January 29th, 2012 15 comments

My pickups for the past week of items I am going to be putting up for sale on Ebay.

Ebay Store:
Amazon Store:
Facebook: Annabella’s Gift Shop (I have both a page to “LIKE” and a page to “FRIEND”)

Duration : 0:5:39

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Information Regarding Tips Ebay Sellers

December 26th, 2011 No comments

If you have ever wanted to become a seller on eBay, you may be concerned with all the shipping an eBay store can generate. But shipping your eBay items is as easy as clicking a mouse button to set up. You can track your shipments and print shipping labels all from within eBay. In this article I present eBay seller tips – easy shipping for eBay sellers.

Our eBay seller tips starts by noting eBay has a handy tool called a shipping calculator. You can put this handy button onto your seller’s page so you and your customers can see the exact cost to ship to certain zip codes. This makes it a breeze to sell on eBay as you do not even need to worry about figuring out how much to charge for shipping.

For more information on tips ebay sellers click here

Information Regarding Ebay Slowing Down

December 9th, 2011 No comments

If you already have an eBay business you are probably wondering is it worth trying other auction sites like eBay to diversify my business? Well, going by the difference in traffic that these auction sites get compared to eBay, I would say no.

I know some people are frustrated as there have been reports of sales slowing down for certain eBay sellers. It’s only natural that they want to look for other avenues, but you are not going to find the same kind of traffic in any of these other auction sites than you can on eBay. It’s just not possible. I know some people say they found a hidden gem auction site where they are getting more traffic. Well, if its that hidden how do any buyers know about it?

For more information on ebay slowing down click here

Information Regarding Making Money On Ebay

November 9th, 2011 No comments

The wondering question of how to make money on eBay is the most fundamental concern of just about every eBay business owner. Inside the subject of how to make money on eBay, there’s a mass of material you can review. But far be it for me to simply rehash old material. Alternatively, the pointers in this article are ones I regard to be of furthermost importance and either bear repeating or haven’t been covered enough by others, in my view. Avoid the 5 high-risk categories.

To approach the question of how to make money on eBay, one of the most primal questions every seller has to ask is, “What Do I Sell?” There are so many popular categories and products on eBay that this can be a daunting problem. One thing that can aid is to extinguish categories and products that will likely be more difficult or problematic than others, more than ever if you’re a new seller.

For more information on making money on ebay click here