How to conduct a fantasy baseball auction with only 2 people?
My friend and I want to play a little fantasy game between us but we need help on how to organize an auction draft. Since we’re just 2 we don’t know how it could work.
If you are doing an auction style draft, you really need more than 2 people. A straight draft style would be better. But if you insist on an auction, I always have everyone involved start with $500 and take turns bringing up players. I always make a rule that the person who brings up the player is required to put at least a dollar on the player if no one wants him and they must add the player to their roster. This way no one tries to bring up nobodies to fill spots on the other person’s roster and get the good players for cheap because no one has a place for them. But with only two people, it would make things interesting… not sure it will really work. And both of you would have All-Star teams. I generally like to have a lot of people playing so that you have to do your homework and you go deep on some teams to try to find hidden talent, but that’s just me.
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