
Posts Tagged ‘Hubby’

Can I go to jail because I owe paypal money?

November 20th, 2012 4 comments

I bought a lot of thing on ebay and paid through paypal that was linked through my husbands account. I just found out that he owes the bank a lot of money from other things and my paypal items did not go through. I bought about $1,000 in stuff. What will happen now? Could I go to jail?
I did get the things and the payment went through on paypal, now they have started taking it out fromthe bank and the bank is returning them unpaid.

If the items or sale didn’t go through, then, you didn’t get the merchandise right? If you didn’t get the merchandise because when they tried to debit your account for that 1k, it was declined, the worst thing that may happen is Ebay suspends your account or boots you off their platform.

You and the hubby need to sit down and figure out your finances. If you are in one room clicking away buying things and he is in another buying things, and no one is telling the other they are spending a ton of money or in trouble, you two are headed for a disaster here.

Can you really make money on Ebay?

September 20th, 2012 4 comments

Hubby and I will both be taking 16 hours in the Fall and we need to have some money coming in! Do you think I could make some decent money buying things at Estate Sales, and selling it on Ebay? If you or anyone you know makes a decent living from Ebay, please give me some tips!

Stay away from dropshippers – they’re death on ebay.

You MAY be able to make money if you can;

Pick the right stuff
Sell it when there’s demand and not much competition
Do it often enough.

Selling on ebay is pretty tough these days. Making a living doing it can be even tougher.

I’d suggest that you spend some time on "seller central", the main ebay forum for sellers;

They can tell you what you need to know.