
Posts Tagged ‘Garage Saling’

How much money have you spent on ebay ?

November 6th, 2012 11 comments

I bought loads of items of ebay and sometimes i think i should stop all of the buying on ebay, im getting addicted, i should go out to stores and look around their instead of seraching for everything on ebay..what do you guys think?

I am in the same boat as you.

I buy at least 10 thing on eBay per month and that is nothing compared to the time I spend hunting on the site for the perfect item.

I would say if you find something you absolutely love, go for it.

One thing I have used to successfully tone down my eBaying, which has essentially saved me a lot of money and given me even more items in return, is garage saling.

I recently bought some dining room glasses for $70 on eBay. The next day when I went to a yard sale, I found the same glasses for $20!

Don’t get me wrong, eBay saved me money compared to the retail price but look at how much more I could have saved had I gone to a yard sale that day rather than shop online.

Just try it one day. When you come home if you find you are pleased with the results, there’s your new shopping technique.

If you are not pleased, eBay away girl.

Hope this helped! Thought I’d share my success story.