
Posts Tagged ‘Factory Warranties’

ZapADeal Makes the Online Auction World Entertaining

July 29th, 2012 No comments

Move over eBay, there’s a new site in town! ZapADeal is a brand new online auction site that is turning the online auction world upside down. Why? Because ZapADeal has created something called “reveres auctions.” In a reveres auction, the “bidder” causes the price of the auction item to go down instead of up. Let me repeat that, the price of the item goes down. It actually keeps going down until it reaches zero, than the last bidder wins the item for free.

That’s why we call it online auction entertainment. You can’t sell anything on ZapADeal, only the site owner’s list items. And, all items on ZapADeal are brand name, brand new items. Items like a brand new 2008 Toyota Highlander Hybrid, and many different iPods and iPhones, Mac Notebooks, Nintendo Wii’s, and the list just keeps going on. Everything is brand new and maintains the factory warranties.

How can ZapADeal afford to put on an online auction like this? Well, it really is a simple yet very smart concept. Let me explain. Let’s take a brand new Nintendo Wii that would sell for $350. It would be listed on ZapADeal and start at $350, but the price is always hidden. Every time someone clicks on that item the current price is revealed to them and the item price drops 20 cents. This continues to happen until eventually the price reaches zero, at the time the last bidder wins the item. Now, the key on this is every time you click on the item to reveal the current price it costs you 1 credit. 1 credit equals anywhere from 50 cents to 2 dollars. Remember, the price only dropped 20 cents on that click where you spent 50 cents. So on every click there is a 30+ cent profit for the company.

You may be thinking, “That’s not that great of a deal, spend 50 cents to save 20.” That’s where you are wrong, because if you are the last person to click on it before it reaches zero, you just spent 50 cents to buy a $350 Nintendo Wii. That’s why it’s called Online Auction Entertainment. It’s an entertaining social game. You are competing with people allover the world to be the last person to click and the winner wins the item.

ZapADeal has positioned itself as the new social networking site, the latest and greatest gaming site, and a legitimate way save big money on great brand name items. The people who win these items will tell you, the reward is worth the cost.

Now, ZapADeal has several other auction styles as well, the bid to zero I just described is simply the most common one. I recommend heading over there and checking it out for yourself. You just might win that 2008 Toyota Highlander Hybrid. At the very least you’ll have a good time. You can also go to Google and do a search for ZapADeal and find out some more information about this unique and fun online auction

Paul Merryman